Notice on recruitment of Members of Sino-Japan (Chengdu) Regenerative Medicine Industry Alliance
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2020-11-27

Notice on recruiting members of Sino-Japan (Chengdu) Regenerative Medicine Industry Alliance by Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association

Relevant enterprises/institutions and experts:

Regenerative medicine, as a frontier research field of life science, is developing rapidly in medical research, transformation and application. Japan has advanced innovation research in the field of regenerative medicine, regulations, technical standards, etc., to promote regenerative medicine and technical cooperation between China and Japan, accelerate the development of industry aggregation and, through a fully integrated advantage, the two focused on regeneration medical, biological, pharmaceutical, and other fields, building common features of regenerative medicine in the regenerative medicine industry alliance, promote technical cooperation and information exchange, project introduction, platform construction, an open source, open and coordination, sharing professional services organization. Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association to be established

"Sino-japanese (Chengdu) Regenerative Medicine Industry Alliance of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association" (tentative name), members of the Regenerative medicine industry Alliance are invited to join the alliance.

Enterprises/institutions and experts in the field of regenerative medicine are cordially invited to join the Sino-Japanese (Chengdu) Regenerative Medicine Industry Alliance of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association and become the member of the Sino-japanese (Chengdu) Regenerative medicine Industry Alliance. Together, we will make our due contribution to further standardize and promote the innovative development of regenerative medicine.

Please send the Registration Form of Member Information to

Attachment: Member information registration form

Contact person: Zhou Juqiao    Cao Lisha

Contact Number :028-69990152

Contact address: No. 65, Xinyi West Street, Chengdu Hi-tech Zone

Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association

November 5th, 2020

