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Innovation and joint promotion -- The inaugural meeting of The Professional Committee of Mammary disease of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association and the first academic conference was successfully held!
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2020-09-01


A group photo of the members of the Professional Committee of mammary disease of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association

In order to create opportunities for young and middle-aged experts to "climb the peak", and create the prosperous status of Sichuan mammary gland in the national academic circle with the attitude of win-win cooperation, on the afternoon of August 28th, 2020, the establishment meeting of Professional Committee of Mammary gland Disease of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association was successfully held in Chengdu.


He Yuliang, vice president of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association, presided over by Zhou Juqiao, head of the organization Department of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association

He Yuliang, vice president of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, attended the meeting and made a speech. Zhou Juqiao, head of the Organization Department of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association, was the presiding officer. Seventy-one medical personnel from major hospitals in Sichuan province in the field of breast diseases attended the meeting.


Elected Chairperson Professor Du Zhenggui, chairmandesignate Professor Luo Jing speech and the special committee award

The Congress passed its deliberation and democratically elected members of the Standing Committee, deputy chairpersons, chairpersons and chairpersons designate. West China hospital of sichuan university professor zheng-gui du elected chairperson, sichuan province people's hospital professor cyndi candidate elected chairperson, southwest medical university affiliated hospital He Lijia professor hou, north sichuan medical college affiliated hospital to professor, sichuan provincial cancer hospital professor wang hao, west China hospital of sichuan university professor YanXi, west China hospital of sichuan university professor sheep XiaoQin was elected vice chairman. The honorary chair of this conference is Professor Bu Hong, and the panel of experts consists of Professor Lv Qing, Professor Zou Liqun, Professor Liu Jinping, Professor Li Hui, Professor Yang Hongwei, Professor Zhao Xiaobo, Professor Wu Bin, Professor Jia Xinjian, Professor Xu Weiyun, Professor Zhang Xiaohong, Professor Wu Jian and Professor Che Hongying.


He Yuliang, vice president of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, awarded the appointment letter to the panel


Ai He, deputy Secretary-General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, awarded the certificate to the vice chairman

From August 29th to 30th, the inaugural meeting and the first academic conference of Professional Committee of Breast Diseases of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, sponsored by Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association and undertaken by Sichuan People's Hospital, was successfully held. More than 130 medical personnel from major hospitals in Sichuan province in the field of breast diseases attended this meeting. At the same time, the conference will also be broadcast live on video.


The conference is themed with the academic idea of "innovation and joint promotion", aiming to reach a new peak on the basis of senior experts with the innovative idea of young and middle-aged experts. At the same time, with the attitude of win-win cooperation, promote the development and promotion of sichuan mammary gland industry in the national academic.


Professor Bu Hong, former Vice President of The Department of Pathology, West China Hospital of Sichuan University, and Professor Lu Qing, director of the Department of Breast Surgery, West China Hospital of Sichuan University and Deputy Director of the Clinical Research Center of Breast Diseases, West China Hospital of Sichuan University are co-chairing the conference as honorary chairman. Du Zhenggui, professor of breast surgery, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, and Luo Jing, Professor of breast surgery, Sichuan People's Hospital, served as the executive chairman of the Congress.


The topics included an interpretation of new research and updated guidelines, as well as some new technologies and new research findings from the committee's experts, as well as a summary analysis and personal insights from young experts on some common clinical issues.

At the beginning of the conference, the experts who did not attend one after another sent sincere messages to this academic conference by video.

Subsequently, Chengdu High-tech Medical Association Ai he deputy Secretary-General was entrusted by President Zhao Cong and Secretary General Zeng Bin to deliver a speech, he said: this meeting to climb the high innovation, joint promotion for the academic thought, discuss the medical academic development of breast disease, has a very important significance. The convening of this academic conference will constantly condensate the academic strength of breast disease, enrich the academic content, and will certainly clash with the spark of academic thoughts, effectively promote the academic development of breast disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment, and scientific research.


(Ai He, Deputy Secretary General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association)

Professor Lu Qing from West China Hospital of Sichuan University also put forward her hope and expectation. She stressed that this conference will be very helpful for academic development by discussing and learning online and offline. Moreover, I am very glad to see that the sharing guests of this conference, most of whom are young and middle-aged experts, have seen the hope of the future development of mammary gland science and wish the conference a complete success.


(Professor Lu Qing, West China Hospital, Sichuan University)

Afterwards, Professor Liu Jinping, director of the Department of mammary gland of Sichuan People's Hospital, gave a speech on the stage and sent his message and wish to the establishment conference and the first academic conference of The Professional Committee of Mammary gland Diseases of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association.


(Professor Liu Jinping, Director of the Department of Mammary Glands, Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital)

At the end of the opening ceremony, Professor Du Zhenggui, department of breast Surgery, West China Hospital of Sichuan University, shared the future prospect planning of The Professional Committee of breast Diseases of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association.

Academic Sharing (I)

After the opening ceremony, the first academic discussion of the conference was conducted by Professor Yan Xi, Department of Oncology, West China Hospital of Sichuan University, and Professor He Lijia, Department of Oncology, Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University.


(Professor He Lijia, Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University, Professor Yan Xi, West China Hospital of Sichuan University)

First of all, professor Luo Ting from the Clinical Research Center of Breast Disease/Tumor in West China Hospital of Sichuan University shared the present situation and prospect of immunotherapy for advanced triple negative Breast Cancer.


(Luo Ting, Professor, Department of Oncology, Clinical Research Center for Breast Diseases, West China Hospital, Sichuan University)

Later, Professor Wang Hao from The Breast Surgery Center of Sichuan Cancer Hospital shared the content related to PHOEBE's research and Interpretation.


(Professor Wang Hao, Center of Breast Surgery, Sichuan Cancer Hospital)

Finally, Professor Zou Liqun of West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Professor Liu Jinping of Sichuan People's Hospital and Professor Xu Weiyun of Mianyang Central Hospital made wonderful comments on this round of sharing, and carried out relevant academic discussion and sharing with The hosts of this round, Professor Yan Xi and Professor He Lijia.


(Prof. Zou Liqun, West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Prof. Liu Jinping, Sichuan People's Hospital, Prof. Xu Weiyun, Mianyang Central Hospital)

Academic Sharing (2)

This session was presided over by Du Zhenggui, professor of breast surgery in West China Hospital of Sichuan University, and Luo Jing, Professor of breast surgery in Sichuan People's Hospital.


(Du Zhenggui, Professor of West China Hospital of Sichuan University and Luo Jing, Professor of Sichuan People's Hospital)

The first guest is Professor Hou Lingmi from the Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College. His theme is "My Opinion on the Radiotherapy Guidelines for Regional Lymph node metastasis of Breast Cancer".


(Professor Hou Lingmi, Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College)

Then, Professor Yang Xiaoqin of West China Hospital of Sichuan University brought a share of "Reconstruction of false weight and Plastic Surgery of breast Tumor immediately after breast Cancer surgery".


(Yang Xiaoqin, Professor, West China Hospital, Sichuan University)

After the sharing of the two guests, three experts, Professor Lv Qing of West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Professor Yang Hongwei of Suining Central Hospital, and Professor Liu Lei of West China Hospital of Sichuan University, made comments respectively, and carried out relevant academic discussions with Professor Du Zhenggui and Professor Luo Jing.


(Lv Qing, Professor of West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Yang Hongwei, Professor of Suining Central Hospital, Liu Lei, Professor of West China Hospital of Sichuan University)

Satellite Association (1)

Subsequently, it entered the first round of the conference, chaired by Professor Hou Lingmi from the Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College.


(Professor Hou Lingmi, Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College)

At this round of satellite conference, Professor Chen Yujuan from West China Hospital of Sichuan University brought the sharing of expert Consensus and Interpretation of Operation Guidelines for Ultrason-guided vacuum Assisted Breast Biopsy (VAB).


(Professor Yujuan Chen, West China Hospital, Sichuan University)

After the sharing, Professor Qiu Dongmei from Dazhou Central Hospital, Professor Wang Xujuan from The Second People's Hospital of Inner Jiang City, Professor Hou Lingmi and Professor Chen Yujuan started academic discussion and exchange on relevant issues.


(Professor Qiu Dongmei of Dazhou Central Hospital, Professor Wang Xujuan of Neijiang Second People's Hospital)

Satellite Association (2)

The second round will be chaired by Professor Lu Qing from West China Hospital of Sichuan University.


(Professor Lu Qing, West China Hospital, Sichuan University)

Later, Professor Du Zhenggui from West China Hospital of Sichuan University shared his book "Breast Cancer Daytime Surgery/Non-fat-soluble breast endoscopic Surgery".


(Professor Du Zhenggui, West China Hospital, Sichuan University)

After the sharing, Professor Luo Jing from Sichuan People's Hospital, Professor Yang Xiaoqin from West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Professor Lu Qing and Professor Du Zhenggui started their academic discussion together.


(Luo Jing, Professor of Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, Yang Xiaoqin, Professor of West China Hospital of Sichuan University)

Academic Sharing (3)

After the two rounds of satellite meetings, we entered the third academic discussion of the conference. This session was co-chaired by Professor Wang Hao of Sichuan Tumor Hospital and Professor Yue Xuandi of The Fourth People's Hospital of Zigong.


(Professor Yue Xuandi of The Fourth People's Hospital of Zigong and Professor Wang Hao of Sichuan Tumor Hospital)

First of all, Professor Zhong Xiaorong from West China Hospital of Sichuan University has brought the sharing of anti-HER2 Treatment Standard and Progress of Advanced HER2-positive Breast Cancer.


(Professor Zhong Xiaorong, West China Hospital, Sichuan University)

Later, Professor Liu Shiwei, from Sichuan Cancer Hospital, shared the content related to "Treatment Norms and Progress of Early HER2-positive Breast Cancer".


(Professor Liu Shiwei, Sichuan Cancer Hospital)

After The sharing by Professor Yan Xi, Professor Wu Jian of Chengdu Third People's Hospital made comments on this round of sharing. Afterwards, guests held relevant discussions with Professor Wang Hao and Professor Yue Xuandi in the venue.


(Professor Wu Jian of The Third People's Hospital of Chengdu and Professor Yan Xi of West China Hospital of Sichuan University)

Academic Sharing (4)

Then came the last round of academic sharing session, which was co-chaired by Professor Huang Junhua of Chengdu Fifth People's Hospital, Professor Liu Jun of Mianyang 404 Hospital of Sichuan Province, and Professor Yong Wei of Chengdu Seventh People's Hospital.


(Professor Yongwei of Chengdu Seventh People's Hospital, Professor Liu Jun of Mianyang 404 Hospital of Sichuan, Professor Huang Junhua of Chengdu Fifth People's Hospital)

Professor Zhang Jianhui from Sichuan Cancer Hospital took the lead in bringing the sharing of postmenopausal endocrine therapy Norms and Clinical Practice.


(Professor Zhang Jianhui, Sichuan Cancer Hospital)

The second guest is Professor Chen Maoshan from Suining Central Hospital, who shared his thoughts on the Standardized endocrine Treatment of Premenopausal HR+ Breast Cancer.


(Professor Chen Maoshan, Suining Central Hospital)

Later, Professor Li Junyan of Deyang People's Hospital took the stage and shared the relevant content of HR+ Endocrine Treatment Standard and Guideline Interpretation for advanced Breast Cancer.


(Professor Li Junyan, Deyang People's Hospital)

Finally, Professor Che Hongying of Zigong First People's Hospital, Professor Zhang Xiaohong of Mianyang Central Hospital and Professor Jia Xinjian of Deyang People's Hospital made excellent comments on the above sharing, and conducted academic discussions and exchanges with Professor Huang Junhua, Professor Liu Jun and Professor Yong Wei on relevant issues.


(Professor Che Hongying of Zigong First People's Hospital, Professor Zhang Xiaohong of Mianyang Central Hospital, Professor Jia Xinjian of Deyang People's Hospital)

At last, The executive chairman of the conference, Professor Du Zhenggui, department of Breast Surgery, West China Hospital of Sichuan University, made a summary of the conference and once again expressed sincere thanks to the guests and participants.

So far, this conference has come to a successful conclusion!


(Professor Du Zhenggui, West China Hospital, Sichuan University)

The live broadcast of the inaugural meeting and the first academic conference of The Professional Committee of Mammary disease of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association, "Joint promotion of innovation and heights", attracted a total of 21,000 views. By means of simultaneous broadcast, it provides a convenient, efficient and hi-quality learning and communication platform for medical staff in the field of breast diseases, and promotes the high-quality and sustainable development of the field of breast diseases.