Breast cancer neoadjuvant therapy popular science and patient education series
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-07-30

01 Activity schedule 19.00-19.45 Waiting period: preparation and evaluation of neoadjuvant treatment before breast cancer surgery

19.45-20.00 Q&A on site

02 live preview

Preview 1: August 6th 19.00-20.00 Decision Period

Decision-making for neoadjuvant treatment of breast cancer

Trailer 2: August 13th 19.00-20.00 treatment period (1)

Options for neoadjuvant treatment of breast cancer 

Preview 3: August 20, 19.00-20.00 treatment period (2)

Treatment of related side effects of neoadjuvant therapy for breast cancer (2)

Trailer 4: August 27th 19.00-20.00 extension

Related treatment after neoadjuvant treatment of breast cancer

03How to participate

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High-tech health lecture hall

Watch the breast disease committee

Health promotion lecture series.

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