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It is easy to blush when drinking, is it okay to drink?
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-11-16

At the end of the year, the annual meetings of various companies and the wine bureaus that rushed for performance have reached the peak drinking period and the peak period of hospital emergency treatment. There are not a few people who drink in. This good article on refusal to drink, promise me to keep it?

It is a common saying that people who blush easily when drinking alcohol are often not bad.

 Wrong! In the future, whoever says this will give him a big mouth, and then show him this article.

    In fact, the one who blushes as soon as he drinks, but the one with a bad drinker.

    The same is drinking, the noodles do not change color after a few cups of others, you only drink a few sips, and your face turns red. Don't take it lightly, this is a sign of "poisoning", you are poisoned by "acetaldehyde"!

    After drinking, it is absorbed mainly through the stomach and small intestine, and then quickly distributed throughout the body. 90% of alcohol (ethanol) is metabolized and decomposed in the liver to produce water and carbon dioxide; 10% of alcohol (ethanol) is directly exhaled from the lungs or excreted in the urine.

 There are several steps in the metabolism of alcohol in the liver. During the metabolism, acetaldehyde is produced. Acetaldehyde is toxic and can dilate blood vessels. What we encountered blushing after drinking is the performance of acetaldehyde not being metabolized in time.

 People who blush as soon as they drink alcohol may be due to the lack of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase in the body, which is unable to decompose acetaldehyde into acetic acid in time, causing acetaldehyde to accumulate in the body and causing acetaldehyde poisoning. People who are rich in acetaldehyde dehydrogenase can metabolize acetaldehyde in time, and they will not blush easily when they drink alcohol. People who drink the same as those who do not drink and drink better.

So whether the amount of alcohol is good or not, in fact, most of it is determined by genes. Don't persuade someone who is blushing after drinking.

What kind of drink is too much?

    People who drink too much will always say that they are not drinking too much, singing and dancing and talking a lot, but they always believe that they are not drinking too much. In fact, this is already a manifestation of alcoholism.

There are 3 periods of acute alcoholism.

★ Excitement period

Drinking at this period will produce a sense of happiness, become more excited, and emotionally unstable, such as moody, rude, and even aggressive behavior.

★ Ataxia period

During this period, I can’t walk steadily, I can’t speak clearly, I can’t see things clearly, my actions are clumsy, I feel sick and vomit, I want to sleep.

★ Coma period

He was in a coma during this period, making him almost unresponsive. The pupils will be dilated, the body temperature will not rise, the blood pressure will drop, the breathing will slow down, and there will be snoring. In severe cases, respiratory and circulatory failure will occur and life-threatening.

Consequences of excessive drinking

People who drink alcohol poisoning often suffer from headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, poor appetite and other symptoms after waking up. A small number of them will have complications such as hypoglycemia, pneumonia, and acute myopathy, which can cause:

★ Liver damage (alcoholic fatty liver, alcoholic cirrhosis)

★ Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

★ Gout

★ Cardiovascular disease (hypertension, stroke)


If you are only mildly drunk, you don't need treatment, just rest and observe at home. Pay attention to the lateral position to prevent vomit from being sucked into the lungs. Severely drunk people must be sent to a doctor as soon as possible.

What can hangover?

Although you may not want to believe or accept this answer, I still have to tell you seriously: there is no antidote!

Everyone said that drinking coffee or strong tea after drinking is just a rumor. This approach not only does not hangover, but also increases the burden on the body, so don't try it in the future.

If you have to drink, how can it reduce the harm?

I believe that most people are not addicted to alcohol, and more often have to drink at work and other occasions. How to drink to reduce the damage?

Please keep these 4 points in mind:

1. Never drink on an empty stomach

Drinking on an empty stomach is not only easy to cause damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa, but also accelerates the absorption of alcohol.

So before drinking, eat something to cushion your stomach, such as eating half full before drinking. This can reduce damage to the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the absorption of alcohol.

2. Drink moderately, don't drink too much

The time has come to test self-control.

Calculated on the basis of alcohol, the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents" recommends that adult men should not exceed 25g of alcohol per day and women should not exceed 15g.

How should this amount be calculated?

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Of course, the above alcohol limit is just a reference value, and everyone's alcohol tolerance is different. But don't take a fluke attitude. Use this as an excuse to control your drinking. It's best if you don't drink without drinking. Compared to anyone who drinks more, I still admire the non-stick performance on the wine table.

3. Don't mix wine

It is best to drink only one type of wine, not multiple categories at the same time, especially not to mix carbonated drinks and beer in the wine.

Beverages and beer contain more carbon dioxide, which will promote the absorption of alcohol, thereby increasing the stimulation of alcohol to the body. That's why it's faster to get drunk.

4. Drinking without taking medicine, taking medicine without drinking

Everyone must pay attention to this point! For safety reasons, it is not advisable to drink alcohol during medication, such as cefoperazone, ceftriaxone, cefotaxime, etc., and metronidazole, ketoconazole, etc., especially cephalosporins. Be sure to develop a good habit of reading the instructions. The instructions of general medicines have instructions on precautions, such as avoiding alcohol during medication.

Cephalosporins can affect the metabolism of alcohol in the body and cause disulfiram-like reactions.

Disulfiram-like reactions are mainly manifested as facial flushing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, headaches, nausea, rapid heart rate, and weakness of the limbs. In severe cases, blood pressure drops, breathing difficulties, and even life-threatening.

Drinking, may be a happy atmosphere, may be compulsory drinking. But no matter what the reason, drinking has an impact on your health. It is better to not drink or not.

Especially when the new year is approaching, the scene is absolutely indispensable. Instead of toasting toasting with death, it is better to learn how to stop the wine and be smarter. If you really can't escape, don't be greedy for a cup, and don't just be careless just because you drink well. Your physical fitness is changing, and no one knows who will drink next.

In addition, pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, adolescents, and people who drive must never drink alcohol. Needless to say, everyone knows the reason.

Finally, on the topic of borrowing wine, I have a few thoughts to share with you.

The Chinese wine table culture, I don't know when the taste began to change, it is time to change it, the body is the most important thing. Whether you are happy or sad at the wine table, there are always ways to vent, but please, don't persuade you to drink!