Strengthening the construction of image echelon and expanding the research innovation field
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-01-05
  • In order to strengthen the academic exchange of medical imaging, improve the professional level of imaging practitioners, especially the diagnostic level of tumor imaging, treatment level, examination of technical and nursing level. Sponsored by Chengdu high-tech Medical Association, the on-line Conference of Tumor Imaging Aerial Lecture Hall was held on December 28,2020. More than 100 people attended the conference online.

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  • The conference was opened by Professor Song Bin of Sichuan University Hwaseo Hospital, and Guangdong General Hospital Professor Liang Changhong, professor Hu Chunhong of the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University, Professor Zhang Xiaoming and Professor Pu Hong of the Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College were invited, professor Zhou Peng of Chengdu Fifth People's Hospital, Professor Ming Bing of Deyang People's Hospital, Professor Shu Jian of Southwest Medical University Affiliated Hospital, Professor Schüring of Dazhou Central Hospital, Professor Li Yong of Suining Central Hospital, and more than 20 experts and scholars met with "consistent evaluation" around when "purchasing in quantity" , a series of lectures on the choice of iodine contrast medium, the opportunities and challenges of imaging oncology and artificial intelligence, the diversity and untypicality of CT manifestations of lung cancer, the interpretation of criteria for staging pancreatic cancer, and the imaging diagnosis and differential diagnosis of solid masses of the anterior mediastinum were held, in view of the various hot issues in medical image analysis, in-depth discussion and experience sharing were conducted, and the atmosphere of study and discussion was warm.

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  • This academic conference on aerial imaging has further strengthened the academic exchanges among the imaging departments in various regions, actively opened up imaging diagnostic ideas for clinicians, updated the knowledge structure, and improved the level of imaging diagnosis, the promotion of imaging diagnosis research has played a driving role.