Strengthen the practice operation, improve the special ability
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-01-19
  • In order to promote the rapid development of vascular surgery in hospitals of Sichuan Province and improve the level of diagnosis and treatment of vascular surgery. At the same time for vascular surgery clinical experts to build a communication platform to promote vascular surgery academic development. On January 15,2020, the first phase of the training course on peripheral vascular intervention sponsored by Chengdu high-tech Medical Association was held in an online + offline mode.

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  • The meeting was opened by Professor Cui Chi of the third people's Hospital of Chengdu, professor Wang Bi-si and Professor Zhu Zhi were also invited to lecture on the application of special external window opening technique in the AORTIC dissection, the application of Hawk in the Thromboangiitis obliterans and the treatment of venous diseases. Professor Cui Chi's team also carried out the live broadcast of the surgery, demonstrating the current peripheral vascular disease intervention new technology.

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  • The meeting with the method of theory combining practice, experts have the specification of the new technology application and management, indications and contraindications to grasp, complication prevention and treatment, operation process combined with surgery live demonstration and interaction between the complex case analysis, field were shown to the representatives, will help strengthen the vascular surgeon level of clinical diagnosis and treatment, the better the benefit of patients.