Serving primary medical care, benchmarking, learning and improvement -Chengdu high tech Medical Association led the Third Hospital of the eastern new area to the West China Shangjin hospital for benchmarking visit and study
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-03-19

On March 17th, 2021, under the leadership of AI he, Deputy Secretary General of Chengdu hi tech Medical Association, more than 20 people led by Huang Yulan, President of the third people's Hospital of Chengdu Eastern New Area, and backbone of relevant functional departments went to Cheng Du Shang Jin Nan Fu Hospital-West CHINA Hospital, Sichuan University for benchmarking visit and study.


Zhongyan, vice president of  Cheng Du Shang Jin Nan Fu Hospital-West CHINA Hospital, Sichuan University, and other leaders warmly welcomed the visiting team. During the visit and study meeting, vice president Zhong Yan introduced the hospital management mode, management concept, management measures and creation of Shangjin hospital. At the meeting, a team of staff from the third people's Hospital of eastern new area had in-depth exchanges with the management of Shangjin hospital. Through face-to-face communication, the two hospitals established close contact, which is conducive to further communication and learning in the future.


AI he, Deputy Secretary General of high tech Medical Association, and Huang Yulan, vice president of the third people's Hospital of Eastern New Area, expressed their gratitude for the warm reception of Shangjin hospital! Huang Yulan, vice president of the third people's Hospital of the eastern New Area, said that this study was full of harvest and accumulated experience in exploring new development models for the third people's Hospital of the eastern New Area in the future.