Based on the present, focusing on the long-term-the successful holding of the exchange meeting on the rational use of antibacterial drugs
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-04-27


     In order to strengthen the rational use of antibacterial drugs and provide patients with better antibacterial drug treatment plans, on April 23, 2021, hosted by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, West China Fourth Hospital of Sichuan University and Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital participated in West China Fourth Hospital The fair use of antimicrobial drugs will be held online and offline at the same time.

    This conference invited several authoritative experts in the fields of intensive care medicine, respiratory medicine, infectious diseases, pharmacy and microbiology and related medical personnel to conduct in-depth exchanges on the management of antibacterial drugs, and the meeting was conducted by Yang Luo, deputy dean of West China Fourth Hospital The chairman makes a speech.

    In response to issues related to "Diagnosis and Treatment Ideas for Multidrug-resistant Gram-negative Bacteria", Professor Du Yu from the Department of Critical Care Medicine of West China Fourth Hospital conducted a focused review. Professor Peng Lijun from the Department of Respiratory Medicine of West China Fourth Hospital started with specific cases and shared the rational application of antimicrobials from the "Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Community Acquired Pneumonia". Professor Long Enwu from the Department of Pharmacy of Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital discussed the individualized treatment of antibacterial drugs from the perspective of PK/PD.

    At the exchange meeting, the participants had a heated discussion with experts and professors on practical problems encountered in their work.

    At the end of the meeting, Vice President Yang Luo made a summary. This meeting shared many new knowledge on the rational application of antibacterial drugs, which will help the hospital to use antibacterial drugs in a more standardized and reasonable manner and better serve patients.