2021 First Qingcheng Breast Cancer Summit Forum and CSCO Western Breast Forum was successfully held in Qingcheng Mountain, Dujiangyan, Sichuan Province
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-05-26


"2021 First Qingcheng Breast Cancer Summit Forum and CSCO Western Breast Forum" will be held on May 22, 2021 in Qingcheng Mountain. Many top experts and well-known scholars from the field of breast cancer gathered in Qingcheng Mountain to participate in the grand event. This conference was hosted by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and co-organized by Breast Surgery of Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital. The forum focused on the frontiers of breast diagnosis and treatment, shared the latest domestic diagnosis and treatment norms, discussed the accuracy of literature interpretation, exchanged clinical practice experience, new thinking on breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, New technologies, covering diagnosis, surgery, system therapy and radiotherapy, etc., this conference received enthusiastic responses, and after the forum, experts and scholars still have more ideas.

The conference was chaired by Professor Liu Jinping, and Professor Luo Jing was the executive chair. The opening ceremony of the forum was addressed by Professor Liu Jinping from Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital. In his speech, he said that the original intention of holding such a special forum was to continue to exchange and learn from each other to achieve the goal of common progress.

The conference set up 5 themes including "Qingcheng Discussion", "Leading Standards", "Ecological Forum", "Targeting Frontiers" and "Hundreds of Forums". Professor Bu Hong, Professor Li Hongyuan, Professor Cao Xuchen and other experts in the field of breast cancer delivered wonderful keynote speeches. Topics include the development status of breast cancer pathological diagnosis, hot issues in breast cancer surgical treatment, and the evolution and thinking of breast cancer treatment. The Hundred Forums also analyzed and discussed various breast cancers. Professors spoke freely, each expressed their opinions, and the on-site thoughts collided enthusiastically. The academic atmosphere is strong.

The convening of this conference is a grand gathering of academic interaction, academic sharing, technological advancement and technological improvement between western breast experts and scholars. It includes cutting-edge research, discussion of international consensus, and case discussions and expert experience closely integrated with clinical practice. share it. It not only maintains the academic style of "high-end atmosphere" in the content, but also takes into account the "practical and down-to-earth" academic exchange.

Finally, the executive chairman of the conference, Professor Luo Jing from the Department of Breast Surgery, Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, summarized the conference. She said that she would like to thank all the experts for their wonderful reports and presiding, and thank all colleagues for their active participation. This conference has stimulated the innovative ability of medical workers, broadened their horizons and improved their business academic level. It has built a platform for scholars to collide, promote cooperation, share and exchange ideas, and promote the development and improvement of the breast specialist field.