Chengdu High-tech Zone launches occupational health supervision and law enforcement training for health supervision and law enforcement personnel in the district
Author:质控  Addtime:2021-06-01

Chengdu High-tech Zone launches occupational health supervision and law enforcement training for health supervision and law enforcement personnel in the district

      In order to further improve the team building of the health supervision and law enforcement team in our district, improve the quality of the team, and improve the professional health and law enforcement level of supervision and law enforcement personnel, the Medical Quality Control Management Service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone is entrusted by the Education, Culture and Health Bureau of the High-tech Zone. On the afternoon of May 26, 30 health supervision and law enforcement personnel in the district carried out "special training on occupational health".


      The training was held in the conference room on the second floor of the Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, and was hosted by Tian Wenhong, deputy head of the Social Law Enforcement Brigade of the High-tech Zone. The meeting invited Wang Lifeng, deputy head of the Sichuan Provincial Health and Accounting Supervision and Law Enforcement Corps, to conduct training on the main points of occupational health law enforcement supervision, laws and regulations, and on-site law enforcement in combination with actual cases. After the training is completed, the participants will be assessed on-site to ensure the training effect.



        At the end of the meeting, Tian Wenhong, deputy team leader, summarized the meeting. She said that the training was rich in content and practical. She hoped that the trainees could learn in depth, experience with heart, and continuously improve their abilities. , Fair and clean, provide a good development environment for the medical and health industry, and continuously promote the development of the medical and health industry.