Learn advanced and benchmark to find gaps, push innovation to drive further development
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-08-09

Learn advanced and benchmark to find gaps, push innovation to drive further development

——Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and West China Hospital of Sichuan University visited Shenzhen "Peking University Shenzhen Research Institute" and "Shenzhen Bay Laboratory"

On July 23, 2021, Zeng Bin, vice president and secretary general of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, led a team, Wen Jin, deputy director of the Hospital Management Institute of West China Hospital of Sichuan University, and Wang Ke, chairman of West China Institute of Precision Medicine Industry Technology Co., Ltd. Ai He, vice president and deputy secretary-general of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, and his party went to Shenzhen "Peking University Shenzhen Research Institute" and "Shenzhen Bay Laboratory" to conduct a special survey and research on "advanced learning standards to find gaps, and innovation-driven redevelopment". Study tours. The group visited the "Peking University Shenzhen Research Institute" and "Shenzhen Bay Laboratory" of Shenzhen Hi-Tech International Innovation Center, and held special seminars.


In the early morning of the 23rd, a group of people came to the Shenzhen Research Institute of Peking University, located in the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Industry-University-Research Base Building in the Southern District of Shenzhen High-tech Industrial Park, for special investigations and visits. Zhang Yimin, Assistant Dean of Peking University Shenzhen Research Institute, Dong Yihan, Director of Training Department of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Industry-University-Research Base Training Center, and Zhu Jialing, Director of Training Department of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Industry-University-Research Base Training Center attended the event. At the symposium, the two parties introduced their respective situations. In response to the questions raised, Zhang Yimin, assistant dean of the Peking University Shenzhen Research Institute, and relevant persons in charge responded one by one. New base construction, major scientific research project layout and output, talent introduction and cultivation, industry-university-research collaborative innovation, intellectual property layout and operation, etc. to conduct exchanges and discussions.

In the morning, the group came to the Shenzhen Bay Laboratory again to visit the laboratory exhibition hall, large-scale equipment and experimental area to learn more about institution construction, talent introduction, scientific research work, and park construction. Discuss the construction of Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, the scientific research layout and innovation mechanism, main scientific research progress and cooperation mode of Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, and discuss the complementary advantages of the laboratory's resources and cooperation matters. Tu Huan, Deputy Director of Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, Deng Chao, Deputy Director of Comprehensive Department of Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, Liu Dongyang, Deputy Director of Infrastructure Office of Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, Chen Xiaoling, Director of Scientific Research Department of Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, etc. participated.

It is understood that in the past 20 years since its establishment, Peking University Institute of Advanced Studies has continuously exerted its own resource advantages. In the future, Peking University will more actively participate in the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, serve the national strategy and promote the development of the national economy. The Institute of Advanced Studies of Peking University continuously optimizes and adjusts its target positioning. While continuing to expand its dominant disciplines, it will develop key disciplines, characteristic disciplines, and emerging disciplines, and deploy materials science, bioinformatics, artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge fields, and continue to promote social governance, life and health. Training various innovative talents in various fields such as education, health, and traffic safety.


Shenzhen Bay Laboratory settled on June 18, 2020. It is a provincial laboratory initiated by the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Government to cultivate and strive to create a national laboratory. It is jointly organized by the Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee and the Shenzhen Research Institute of Peking University. Focusing on the needs of national health strategies, the laboratory faces major international frontier scientific issues, focusing on the treatment of major diseases such as tumors, metabolism, cardiovascular, and neurodegenerative diseases, and conducts research in life information, biomedicine, medical engineering, etc., and is at the forefront of biomedicine Build a public platform and application fields, gather outstanding talents, carry out high-level academic research, and support the development of the biomedical industry and clinical medicine in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Special investigations and visits to the Shenzhen Research Institute of Peking University and Shenzhen Bay Laboratory:

The first is to study and benchmark. They will face the international frontier, stand at the national level, meet the national health needs, closely focus on the goal of building an international science and technology innovation center in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, move toward a national laboratory, and start in accordance with high international standards. Construction work.

The second is to study and benchmark them to highlight original innovation, form an international commanding height, and build a first-class life information and biomedical innovation highland with major international and domestic influence as soon as possible.

The third is to study benchmarking in the frontier and applied fields of biomedicine, build a public platform, gather outstanding talents, and carry out high-level academic research.

The Institute of Advanced Studies of Peking University and the Shenzhen Bay Laboratory are developing rapidly, which is worthy of in-depth "chewing taste". They continue to establish a sound system, dare to innovate, build platforms, introduce scientific research personnel, integrate resources, and jointly research topics. Mindful, more open, introducing top talents from around the world, and enhancing exchanges and cooperation with top teams are all worth learning and learning from.