Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Examination of the 2021 Hygiene and Traditional Chinese Medicine Associate Senior Technical Qualification Examination
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-05-26

About doing a good job in the 2021 health and traditional Chinese medicine professional associate senior

Notice of examination work for technical qualification examination

Sichuan People Kao Han [2021] No. 27

Municipal (prefecture) personnel examination institutions and provincial personnel examination and evaluation bases:

According to the "Notice on Providing 2021 Advanced Health Professional and Technical Qualification Examination Service" by the National Health Commission Talent Exchange Service Center (Wei Talent Fa [2021] No. 27) and the Sichuan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security "About doing well in our province's professional The Technical Personnel Qualification Examination Notification and Commitment System Relevant Work Notice (Chuanrenshebanfa [2020] No. 14) and other documents stipulate that in order to effectively do a good job in the 2021 health and traditional Chinese medicine professional associate senior technical qualification examination work in our province, The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

1. Exam time, specialty and method

(1) Exam time

The examination is scheduled to be held on July 3 and 4. The specific examination time is subject to the admission ticket.


(2) Examination specialty and method

A total of 118 majors (Annex 1), of which 4 majors of blood collection and supply medicine, blood collection and supply nursing, blood collection and supply inspection technology, and blood preparation technology adopt paper and pencil exams, and the other 114 majors adopt man-machine dialogue exams.

2. Application conditions

According to the "Opinions of Sichuan Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission, Sichuan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, Sichuan Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Further Improving the Health Title System" (Chuan Wei Fa [2018] No. 52), "Sichuan Provincial Health and Health Committee and the Sichuan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security on Printing and Distributing the "Sichuan Province Health Senior Professional and Technical Position Qualification Application and Evaluation Conditions" and the "Sichuan Province Basic Health Senior Professional and Technical Position Qualification Application and Evaluation Requirements" Notice" (Chuan Wei Regulation [ 2019] No. 3), "Sichuan Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sichuan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security on Printing and Distributing "Basic Conditions for Application and Evaluation of Professional Titles of Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Professionals" and "Senior Professional Titles of Basic-level Traditional Chinese Medicine Professionals in Sichuan Province" According to the “Notice of the Basic Requirements for Application and Review” (Chuanzhong Medical Office [2020] No. 33) and other regulations, the scope and conditions of the qualification examination for the deputy senior technical qualification examination for health and traditional Chinese medicine are as follows:

(1) Scope of application

Persons who are engaged in medical, pharmaceutical, nursing, and technical professional technical work in various medical and health institutions at all levels and types in our province and intend to be promoted to the deputy senior professional title of health (Chinese medicine) should participate in the deputy senior qualification examination of health (Chinese medicine).

Engage in medical, pharmaceutical, nursing, and technical professional and technical work in medical and health institutions at county level and below in our province (excluding tertiary medical and health institutions and district-level medical and health institutions under the jurisdiction of Chengdu), and plan to be promoted to primary health care (Traditional Chinese Medicine) ) Personnel with deputy senior professional title may participate in the junior high-level health (Chinese medicine) deputy senior qualification examination.

(2) Requirements for applying for the senior qualifications of deputy health

Those who sign up for the Senior Qualification Examination for Health Associate must meet the following requirements:

1. Comply with national laws and regulations, have good professional ethics and professionalism.

2. Meet one of the following conditions:

(1) Have a doctorate degree in a corresponding medical specialty, and have been engaged in this specialty for more than 1 year after obtaining an intermediate professional and technical qualification in health;

(2) Having a postgraduate or master's degree in a corresponding medical specialty, and after obtaining an intermediate professional and technical qualification in health, have been engaged in this specialty for more than 3 years;

(3) Have a bachelor's degree or a bachelor's degree in a corresponding major in medicine, and have been engaged in this major for more than 4 years after obtaining an intermediate professional and technical qualification in health;

(4) Have a college degree in a corresponding medical specialty, and have been engaged in this specialty for more than 6 years after obtaining an intermediate professional and technical qualification in health.

3. If you meet one of the following conditions, you can apply for an exceptionally high-level qualification examination for Deputy Health:

(1) Those who have been hired for more than 2 years in an intermediate professional and technical position in health and meet one of the following requirements during the current post:

①Received the commendation from the provincial (ministerial) level and above party and government organs;

②Won the "May 1st" labor medal at the provincial level and above;

③Obtain the title of model worker or advanced worker at the municipal level and above;

④City (department) level and above academic and technical leaders or reserve candidates;

⑤ The person in charge or the first principal investigator of scientific research projects at the city (department) level and above, and publishes 3 papers of this major or 2 sci papers of this major in the journals included in the "General List of Chinese Core Journals".

(2) Those who have a technical secondary school degree in a corresponding medical specialty and meet one of the following conditions:

①Having been employed for more than 8 years in an intermediate-level sanitation professional and technical position, and passed the national intermediate-level sanitation professional and technical qualification examination;

②Having been employed for more than 8 years in health professional and technical positions, he has been commended by the municipal (department) level and above party and government organs.

(3) Does not have the required academic qualifications, but has been hired for more than 8 years in health professional and technical positions, has rich medical and health practice experience and unique medical technology, and its medical effect has reached the advanced level in the province, and has been widely recognized by colleagues in the province and the society In addition to meeting one of the conditions in paragraph 3 (1) above, three peer experts (academicians, experts enjoying special government allowances from the State Council, Changjiang Scholars, young and middle-aged experts with outstanding national contributions, national health Young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions, provincial academic and technical leaders, outstanding experts with outstanding contributions in the province, or experts with the same level of title approved by the provincial and ministerial-level state agencies).

(4) After being hired for an intermediate professional and technical position in health, those who have participated in foreign aid, Tibet and Yi work assigned by the party committees and governments at all levels for one year, and the annual assessment result is qualified or above, can apply for the examination one year in advance; Years, and the annual assessment results are all qualified or above, you can apply for the exam 2 years in advance.

(3) Requirements for applying for the senior qualifications of the primary health deputy

Those who apply for the primary-level health deputy senior qualifications must meet the scope of application of primary-level health senior professional titles stipulated in Article 3, paragraph 3 of the Sichuan Weifa [2018] 52 document and meet the following conditions:

1. Comply with national laws and regulations, have good professional ethics and professionalism.

2. Meet one of the following conditions:

(1) Having a doctorate degree in a corresponding medical specialty, and after obtaining an intermediate professional and technical qualification in hygiene or primary hygiene, have been engaged in this specialty for more than one year;

(2) Having a postgraduate degree or a master's degree in a corresponding major in medicine, and having obtained an intermediate professional and technical qualification in hygiene or primary hygiene, have been engaged in this major for more than 3 years;

(3) Having a bachelor's degree or a bachelor's degree in a corresponding major in medicine, and after obtaining an intermediate professional and technical qualification in health or primary health, have been engaged in this major for more than 4 years;

(4) Have a college degree in a corresponding medical specialty, and have obtained an intermediate professional and technical qualification in health or primary health, and have been engaged in this specialty for more than 6 years;

(5) Having a technical secondary school degree in a corresponding medical specialty, and after obtaining an intermediate professional and technical qualification in hygiene or primary hygiene, have been engaged in this specialty for more than 8 years.

3. If one of the following conditions is met, you can register for the junior high-level health deputy senior qualification examination:

(1) Those who have been hired for more than 2 years in a health or basic-level health professional and technical position, and meet one of the following requirements during the current post:

①Received the commendation from the provincial (ministerial) level and above party and government organs;

②Won the "May 1st" labor medal at the provincial level and above;

③Obtain the title of model worker or advanced worker at the municipal level and above;

④City (department) level and above academic and technical leaders or reserve candidates;

⑤ Those who have been awarded academic and technical titles by the Sichuan Provincial Health Commission for outstanding contributions, young and middle-aged experts in Sichuan Province, famous clinical skills teachers in Sichuan Province, and top-level health professionals in Sichuan Province at the city (department) level or above.

(2) Does not have the required academic qualifications, but has been hired for more than 8 years in health or primary health professional and technical positions, has rich medical and health practical experience and unique medical technology, and its medical effect has reached the advanced level in the province, and has been obtained by peers and society in the province. In addition to meeting one of the conditions in Article 3 (1) above, it can be recommended by 3 peer experts (provincial and municipal three-level medical and health institutions senior experts) to apply for the primary health deputy senior level. qualification exam.

(3) After being hired for an intermediate professional and technical position in health or primary health, who has participated in foreign aid, Tibet aid and Yi work assigned by the party committees and governments at all levels for one year, and the annual assessment result is qualified or above, they can apply for the examination one year in advance; Those who have worked for 2 years and the annual assessment results are all qualified or above can apply for the exam 2 years in advance.

(4) Requirements for applying for the Associate Senior Qualification of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Those who sign up for the Associate Advanced Qualification Examination of Chinese Medicine must meet the following requirements:

1. Comply with national laws and regulations, have good professional ethics and professionalism.

2. Meet one of the following conditions:

(1) Have a doctorate degree in Chinese medicine and have obtained an intermediate professional and technical qualification in Chinese medicine for one year;

(2) Possess a postgraduate or master's degree in Chinese medicine, and have obtained intermediate professional and technical qualifications in Chinese medicine for at least 3 years;

(3) Have a bachelor's degree or a bachelor's degree or less in a university of Chinese medicine, and have obtained an intermediate professional and technical qualification in Chinese medicine for 4 years;

(4) For clinical doctors to apply for the deputy senior qualification of Chinese medicine, they need to provide a certificate of completion of Chinese medicine knowledge for western medicine personnel issued by the provincial competent department of Chinese medicine.

3. If you have been hired for an intermediate professional and technical position in Chinese medicine for 2 years, and meet one of the following requirements during your current post, you can apply for the deputy senior qualification examination for technical personnel in traditional Chinese medicine:

(1) Obtain commendation from party and government organs at the provincial (ministerial) level and above;

(2) Won the "May 1st" Labor Medal at the provincial level and above;

(3) Obtain the title of model worker or advanced worker at the municipal level or above;

(4) Obtained provincial famous TCM doctors, provincial middle-aged and young TCM doctors;

(5) Academic and technical leaders or reserve candidates above the city (department) level;

(6) The person in charge or the first principal investigator of a scientific research project at the city (department) level and above, and publishes 3 or more sci articles of this profession in the journals included in the "General List of Chinese Core Journals" or 2 Articles and above;

(7) Participating in foreign aid, Tibet aid, and Yi work assigned by party committees and governments at all levels for one year, and the annual assessment result is qualified or above, apply for the examination one year in advance;

(8) Participated in foreign aid, Tibet aid, and Yi work assigned by party committees and governments at all levels for 2 years, and the annual assessment results are all qualified or above, apply for the examination 2 years in advance.

(5) Application requirements for the junior high-level qualifications of traditional Chinese medicine at the grassroots level

Those who sign up for the junior high-level qualification examination of traditional Chinese medicine must meet the following requirements:

1. Comply with national laws and regulations, have good professional ethics and professionalism.

2. Meet one of the following conditions:

(1) Have a doctorate degree in Chinese pharmacy, and have obtained an intermediate professional and technical qualification in Chinese medicine for one year;

(2) Possess a postgraduate or master's degree in Chinese medicine, and have obtained intermediate professional and technical qualifications in Chinese medicine for at least 3 years;

(3) Have a bachelor's degree or a bachelor's degree or less in a university of Chinese medicine, and have obtained an intermediate professional and technical qualification in Chinese medicine for 4 years;

(4) For clinical doctors to apply for the deputy senior qualification of Chinese medicine, they need to provide a certificate of completion of Chinese medicine knowledge for western medicine personnel issued by the provincial competent department of Chinese medicine.

3. If you have been hired for an intermediate professional and technical position in Chinese medicine for 2 years, and meet one of the following requirements during your current post, you can apply for the deputy senior qualification examination for technical personnel in traditional Chinese medicine:

(1) Obtain commendation from party and government organs at the provincial (ministerial) level and above;

(2) Won the "May 1st" Labor Medal at the provincial level and above;

(3) Obtain the title of model worker or advanced worker at the municipal level and above;

(4) Obtained provincial young and middle-aged doctors;

(5) Academic and technical leaders or reserve candidates above the city (department) level.

(6) Other related matters

(1) The requirements for academic qualifications or degrees in the registration conditions refer to the qualifications or degrees graduated from regular colleges and universities recognized by the national education and health administrative department; the requirements for working years refer to the professional qualifications before and after obtaining the formal academic qualifications. The sum of working hours.

(2) The performance, contribution and honors of those who apply for the corresponding qualifications according to the exceptional conditions shall be obtained during the current position and shall not be reused.

(3) After hiring an intermediate professional and technical post in health (Chinese medicine), first-line health professionals who participate in the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic can apply for the examination one year in advance; participating in the prevention and control of the epidemic will be rewarded with a record of great merit or above or be awarded by the city (department). Those who are commended at the) level and above can apply for the exam 2 years in advance; those who participate in epidemic prevention and control and make outstanding contributions, and those who have received commendations and awards at the provincial (ministerial) level and above can directly apply for the exam.

(4) The deadline for applicants to work in this major is calculated to December 31 of the year of registration.

(5) First-line health professionals who assist the Hubei medical team and the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in high-risk areas will be exempted from the deputy senior qualification examination when they apply for the assessment of the deputy senior professional title of health (Chinese medicine) during the current term. When foreign aid medical team members declare to participate in the evaluation of the deputy senior professional title of health (Chinese medicine) during the foreign aid period, they are exempted from the deputy senior qualification examination.

Three, time arrangement

(1) Registration time

May 10 to May 26.

(2) Qualification verification time

May 10 to May 27.

(3) Payment time

May 10 to May 28.

(4) Printing time of electronic invoice

June 10 to December 31.

(5) Printing time of admission ticket

June 28 to July 2.

4. Notification and Commitment System

(1) The notification and commitment system shall be implemented for this test registration certificate, and applicants can choose whether to adopt the notification and commitment system. Before registering, you must carefully understand the relevant requirements of the qualification examination registration certificate and notification of the commitment system.

Those who have no record in the integrity archives of the qualification examination can choose to use the notification and commitment system. Persons with false promises in the registration of the qualification examination, and in accordance with the "Provisions on the Handling of Violations of Discipline and Regulations in the Professional and Technical Personnel Qualification Examination" (Order No. 31 of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security), have serious violations of discipline and regulations or particularly serious violations of discipline and regulations, and have been recorded The notification and commitment system is not applicable to the personnel who have entered the integrity archive of the qualification examination and are within the recording period.

(2) Those who choose to adopt the notification and commitment system should carefully understand the application conditions for the test, the certification obligations and certification content required to meet the application conditions, the content promised by the applicants, and the false promises that may be undertaken before registration. Responsibilities, verification powers of the examination organization, and cooperating obligations of applicants, etc., shall be filled in the information in the online registration system and signed the notification undertaking (electronic text) by electronic means. Once submitted, it shall be legally valid, and it is not allowed to commit on behalf of the applicant.

Before the examination, if the applicant is found to be inconsistent with the application requirements during the examination, the examination registration shall be treated as invalid, and the fees paid will not be refunded. After the examination, if the applicants are found to be unqualified during the inspection or daily supervision, if the test results are obtained, the results of all subjects of the current examination will be invalid; if the qualification certificate or score certificate is obtained, the qualification certificate or score certificate shall be invalid. Applicants who have provided false certification materials or obtained corresponding qualification certificates or score certificates by other improper means shall be in accordance with the "Professional and Technical Personnel Qualification Examination Regulations on Violations of Discipline and Regulations" (Order No. 31 of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security). Article 10 and Article 12 are dealt with. Those suspected of crimes (including but not limited to forging, altering, buying and selling of official documents, certificates, seals of state agencies, forging seals of companies, enterprises, institutions, and people’s organizations, etc.) shall be transferred to judicial organs in accordance with the law.

(3) Those who have not chosen the notification and commitment system or do not apply the notification and commitment system should carefully understand the application requirements for the test, the certification obligations and certification content required to meet the application requirements, the verification power of the test organization and the application for the test before registering. For the personnel’s cooperation obligations, etc., the person shall fill in the information in the online registration system and submit relevant certification materials online according to the application conditions.

5. Registration Procedure

All aspects of registration, qualification verification, fee payment, electronic invoice printing and examination admission ticket printing are all handled online.

(1) Online registration

1. Register in the "Personnel Examination" column on the official website of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security (

2. For those applying for the health profession, click on the "2021 Associate Senior Technical Qualification Examination for Health Majors" to register; for those applying for the Chinese Medicine major, click on the "2021 Associate Senior Technical Qualification Examination for Traditional Chinese Medicine" to register.

3. Applicants for primary medical and health institutions must specifically declare in the "Whether they work in primary medical and health institutions" column of the registration form.

4. Photo requirements: white background, jpg format, resolution 295px*413px, size 2.5cm*3.5cm, size about 10kb. The photos will be used for the admission ticket, "Examinee Sign-in Booklet", certificate preparation and certification, etc. Please choose carefully when uploading.

5. Registration point selection: Registration is divided and managed by territories. In order to reduce the pressure of epidemic prevention and control caused by the cross-regional movement of candidates, applicants can only choose the registration point consistent with their current work and residence in principle. Applicants from the central government in Chengdu and directly affiliated units of the province must choose the registration point directly affiliated to the province.

6. All applicants must upload the original electronic scanned copies of academic qualifications (degree) certificates, intermediate professional and technical qualification certificates and other licenses according to the application conditions (jpg format, single file size 100-300kb, copy is invalid).

7. Applicants must carefully check the information when filling in the information, and the information cannot be modified after the verification is passed.

(2) Qualification verification

1. The staff of the qualification verification department at the location of the registration site shall conduct the qualification verification on the basis of the relevant information filled in by the applicant and the uploaded materials. If the city (prefecture) registration point is selected, the health profession shall be checked by the municipal (prefecture) health administrative department where the registration point is located; the Chinese medicine major shall be checked by the city (prefecture) administration of traditional Chinese medicine in the city (prefecture) where the registration point is located. If you choose the registration point directly under the province, the health profession shall be checked by the Talent Service Center of the Provincial Health Commission; the Chinese medicine profession shall be checked by the Human Education Office of the Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. During the verification process, the qualification verification department may request the applicants in doubt to submit relevant materials. The applicants must submit the prescribed materials within the specified time and in the designated manner for verification. Those who fail to conduct the verification as required will be disqualified or given test results. Invalid processing. Please refer to Annex 2 and Annex 3 for the consultation telephone numbers of the qualification verification department and the personnel examination institution where the registration points are located.

2. Applicants who choose to inform the commitment system fill in the information in the online registration system, and upload relevant supporting materials such as academic qualifications, degree certificates, intermediate professional and technical qualification certificates, nurse/physician vocational qualification certificates, and basis for exceptional conditions according to the verification of academic qualifications. Online manual verification.

3. Applicants who have not selected the notification and commitment system or do not apply the notification and commitment system after filling in the information in the online registration system, upload the academic certificate, degree certificate, intermediate professional and technical qualification certificate, nurse/physician professional qualification certificate, basis for exception conditions, and related activities Professional working years certificates and other relevant certification materials will be manually checked online by qualification verification staff through the registration platform.

(3) Online payment

Fees: RMB 90 per person per subject. After the payment is successful, non-policy factors will not be refunded.

(4) Printing of electronic invoices

Electronic invoices can be printed in the "Personnel Examination" column on the official website of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security ( (see Annex 4 for the process), and paper invoices are no longer provided.

(5) Printing of admission ticket

Print the admission ticket in the "Personnel Examination" column on the official website of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security ( Applicants should carefully check the personal information on the test certificate, such as the name, ID number and other personal information. If errors are found, they must register and modify the personnel test agency where the registration point is located during the printing period of the test admission ticket (working hours), otherwise they will not be able to take the test.

6. Results query, review and certificate collection

(1) Result query

You can check the results in the "Personnel Examination" column on the official website of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security (

(2) Publicity and review

After the results are announced, the list of persons who have passed the scores and intends to obtain qualification certificates will be publicized in the "Personnel Examination" column of the official website of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security (, which will be accepted by the qualification verification department where the registration site is located Report and review.

(3) Obtaining the qualification certificate

The certificate of conformity can be obtained at the certificate issuing agency where the registration point is located.

Seven, the test instructions

(1) The stationery carried by examinees taking the paper-pencil test is limited to black ink pens, 2b pencils, and erasers. The stationery carried by examinees taking the human-computer dialogue test is limited to black ink pens. Draft papers are available in the examination room for test personnel to use, and they will be taken back after the test.

(2) When taking the exam, the examinee presents his/her admission ticket and ID card (document types include second-generation ID cards, social security cards, military ID cards, Hong Kong and Macao ID cards, Taiwan residents' Mainland China permits, overseas passports, excluding expired ID cards, First-generation ID card, ID card copy and other documents and certificates) enter the examination room, check the number of seats, and put the examination admission card and ID card on the examination table. Those with incomplete certificates are not allowed to enter the examination room. Candidates, ID cards, admission tickets and "candidate sign-in book" information is inconsistent, as well as the wrong subjects and grades are not allowed to enter the examination room.

(3) The examinee should carefully check the information filled in during the examination, establish a sense of self-protection, and properly keep their answer sheets and answer sheets (paper).

(4) Examination candidates must strictly abide by the relevant regulations of the examination. If there are violations of disciplines and regulations, they will be dealt with in strict accordance with the "Provisions for Discipline and Violation of Professional and Technical Personnel Qualification Examinations" (Order No. 31 of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security). Those suspected of committing crimes will be transferred to judicial organs for handling in accordance with the law.

8. Effectively do a good job in the examination and organization of the epidemic prevention and control work

In all aspects of examination organization and implementation, all localities must earnestly abide by the relevant regulations on epidemic prevention and control at all levels, implement responsibilities, and actively respond. Work closely with local health, education, public security, industry and information departments to ensure the safety and health of test takers and test staff, and ensure the safety, stability and smoothness of the test organization during the normalization of epidemic prevention and control.

Candidates must take the exam in strict accordance with the requirements for epidemic prevention and control. For relevant requirements, please pay attention to the "Personnel Examination" column on the official website of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security (