The inaugural meeting of neurology Committee and Youth Committee of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association was held smoothly
Author:管理员  Addtime:2021-06-05

In order to improve the level of medical treatment, scientific research and teaching in the field of neurology, promote the standardization and individualized treatment of neuropathy diagnosis and treatment, and promote the development of health and health undertakings, chengdu High-tech Medical Association held the founding meeting of neurology Special Committee and Youth Committee in Chengdu on the afternoon of June 4th, 2021.


The meeting was presided over by Zhou Jue Qiao, the director of organization Department of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association. Yu Liang, the director of Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital and 60 members of neurology committee from major hospitals in Sichuan province attended the meeting. Chengdu high-tech medical association deputy secretary-general Ai He attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

At the plenary meeting of the Neurology Committee held first, Director Yu Liang summarized the work of the neurology Committee in 2020 and introduced the work of the Neurology Committee in 2021.


(Director Yu Liang of Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital delivers a work report to the committee)

Next, after the discussion of the plenary meeting of the special committee and the decision of the secretariat of the society, in order to further promote the training of young doctors and improve the professional technical and academic exchange ability of young doctors, it was agreed to establish the youth Committee of the Neurology Special Committee of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association.


(Deputy Secretary General of Chengdu Gaoxin Medical Association Ai He delivered a speech)

After deliberation, the congress democratically elected a new leadership, including vice chairmen and chairmen of the YOUTH Committee. Yu Liang, director of Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, was elected as chairman, hu Fayun, West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Li Suping, Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, and Zhang Xianwen, Mianyang Central Hospital were elected as vice chairmen. Ai He, deputy secretary-general of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, said at the Youth Committee: I hope that all the young members of the committee will be as vigorous and energetic as the rising sun. Your participation will be an important force to promote the sustainable development of the Neurology Committee. The establishment of this youth Committee is of great significance. Inject new vitality and create a new situation for neurology special committee of high-tech medical association.


(Deputy Secretary-General Ai He awards the appointment letter to the newly elected chairman of the Youth Committee)

The plenary meeting of the Neurology committee and the inaugural meeting of the Youth Committee set up a good technical exchange platform for neurology workers in Our province, marked the vigorous development of the academic organization of Chengdu high-tech medical association, and played a positive role in promoting the construction of neurology discipline system, promoting technology promotion and industry standards. In the future, the establishment of the Youth Committee will play a leading role in the work of "strengthening the grassroots and promoting the transformation", actively explore a new model for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements of medical and industrial cross integration, actively promote the collaborative innovation and development of regional medical specialties and bio-industry, and make more contributions to the prosperity and development of academic and health undertakings.


(Group photo of youth Committee)