In order to promote the rapid development of vascular surgery in hospitals at all levels in Sichuan Province and improve the diagnosis and treatment level of vascular surgery. At the same time, build an exchange platform for clinical experts of vascular surgery to jointly promote the academic development of vascular surgery. On January 20, 2021, the intracavitary intervention cloud learning class of vascular surgery series activities hosted by Chengdu high tech Medical Association was held in the combination of practice and online live broadcasting, with a total of more than 100 representatives attending the meeting.
Professor Liu Yong of the Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University delivered the opening speech. At the same time, Professor Liu Yong, Professor Shi Sen, Professor He Huqiang, Professor Sun Xiaolei, Professor Zhang Lei and Professor Xu Xiongfei of the Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University gave special lectures on the progress of endovascular interventional therapy for vascular diseases, the treatment strategy of femoral popliteal artery diseases and the treatment of venous diseases, At the same time, the live broadcast of relevant operations was also carried out to show the current new interventional therapy technology for peripheral vascular diseases.
The meeting adopted a combination of theory and practice. Experts showed the delegates on the standardized application and management of new technologies, mastery of indications and contraindications, prevention and treatment of complications, operation process, combined with on-site demonstration, complex case analysis and on-site interaction, which will help to strengthen the clinical diagnosis and treatment level of vascular surgeons and better benefit patients.