Notice of the Chengdu High-tech Medical Association on the progress tracking of the construction of key medical specialties
Author:质控  Addtime:2021-09-06

All relevant units:

       In order to improve the quality of the construction and management of key medical specialties in Chengdu High-tech Zone, promote the orderly development of key specialties in hospitals, dynamically track the implementation of key specialties, and ensure that the construction of specialties is completed on time and successfully passed the acceptance. According to the relevant provisions of the "Management Measures for Key Specialties of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association (Trial)", the progress checklist for the construction of key specialties of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association is hereby issued. All relevant units are requested to fill in on time. The specific related matters are notified as follows:

       (1) Inspection object

       Department of Stomatology, University Hospital of Electronic Science and Technology, General Surgery of Chengdu Shangjin Nanfu Hospital, and Orthopedics Department of Sichuan Modern Hospital.

        (2) Method and time

      Relevant units and project leaders should fill in before 17:00 on September 30, 2021

Submit the "Chengdu High-tech Medical Association Key Specialty Construction Progress Checklist", and submit it to the 209 Office of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association after the unit has reviewed and stamped the official seal.

      (3) Contact person and contact information

       Chengdu High-tech Medical Association Teacher Jia 028-87050238

      Attachment: Chengdu High-tech Medical Association Scientific Research Project Progress Checklist

                                                                                                                                              Chengdu High-tech Medical Association 

                                                                                                                                                             September 6, 2021
