Chengdu high tech Zone conducts technical review on health administrative license of aquatic products
Author:质控  Addtime:2021-11-26

Entrusted by the education, culture and Health Bureau of Chengdu high tech Zone, the medical quality control management service center of Chengdu high tech Zone organized provincial and municipal review experts to conduct on-site review and acceptance of health administrative license for aquatic products of Sichuan Xixi Technology Co., Ltd. in the afternoon of November 25, 2021.


The quality control management service center of Chengdu high tech Zone has formulated the review work plan according to the relevant provisions of aquatic product hygiene license, and selected Mr. Hu bin, Mr. Feng Yongxian and Mr. Du Huilan from the aquatic product hygiene and safety supervision expert database of Sichuan Province to form an expert group for on-site review and acceptance.


At the review site, the experts conducted on-site review and acceptance on the product process, principle, environment, parameter identification and various test reports, and put forward valuable suggestions and opinions, which played a guiding and helpful role in promoting the further standardized construction and management of the enterprise.
