the "2021 northern sichuan breast summit - milk science confucianism, who dominates fu" conference was successfully held
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2021-07-24

in order to focus on the latest progress in the field of breast cancer treatment in the world and the current situation of breast cancer treatment in china, we will discuss hot issues and seek the future development of breast cancer. on july 24, 2021, the breast disease committee of chengdu high-tech medical association held the "2021 northern sichuan breast summit - breast science confucianism, who dominates chengfu" meeting online.


professor du zhenggui, director of the department of breast surgery of west china hospital of sichuan university, delivered an opening speech, which clarified the guiding ideology, purpose and significance of the conference, and put forward the central tasks and requirements for the meeting to the participants.


(professor du zhenggui, west china hospital, sichuan university)

professor xu run, general surgery, third people's hospital of mianyang city, and professor zhang xiaohong, department of breast medicine, mianyang central hospital, made speeches on the development of the conference and expressed a warm welcome to the experts and scholars who participated in the discussion.


(professor xu run, third people's hospital of mianyang city) (professor zhang xiaohong, mianyang central hospital)

there are also many experts in related fields in the southwest region who have made special reports on breast-related areas. the conference focused on the latest progress in the field of breast cancer treatment and the current situation of breast cancer treatment in china.

lecture expert wonderful moments







wrap-up meeting

starting from the solution of practical clinical problems, the conference discussed hot issues, promoted the sustainable development of the discipline, and the number of participants was nearly 200, and everyone shared their experience through the platform, brainstormed and made progress together, and sought the future development of the breast cancer field.
