the inaugural meeting of the radiology committee of chengdu high-tech medical association was successfully held
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2021-10-16


in order to strengthen the academic exchange of medical imaging professions and comprehensively improve the professional level and management level of practitioners, especially the clinical application of magnetic resonance, the chengdu high-tech medical association held the inaugural meeting of the radiology committee at mingyu shangya hotel on the afternoon of october 15.


(left: professor of sichuan provincial people's hospital yin longlin right: zhou jueqiao, director of membership and organization management department of chengdu high-tech medical association)

the meeting was presided over by zhou jueqiao, director of the membership and organization management department of chengdu high-tech medical association, and professor yin longlin of sichuan provincial people's hospital and 78 workers from major hospitals and medical imaging institutions in sichuan province attended the inaugural meeting of the professional committee. zeng bin, secretary general of chengdu high-tech medical association, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

according to the agenda and election procedures of the inaugural meeting, the meeting democratically elected the standing committee members, vice chairmen, chairmen-elect, and chairmen-elect of the special committee. professor yin longlin of sichuan provincial people's hospital was elected as the main committee, director lin wei of chengdu first people's hospital was elected as the chairman-elect, ming bing of deyang people's hospital, chen junhui of chengdu second people's hospital, fu bing of chengdu fifth people's hospital, li yong of suining central hospital, li wenbo of chengdu first people's hospital, and hu fubi of the first affiliated hospital of chengdu medical college were elected as vice chairmen.


(zeng bin, secretary general of chengdu high-tech medical association)

the successful convening of the inaugural meeting of the radiological committee of chengdu high-tech medical association has built an important technical exchange platform for medical imaging professionals and practitioners in our province, marking the vigorous development of the academic organization of chengdu high-tech medical association, which will play a positive role in promoting the construction of medical imaging discipline system, promoting technology promotion and industry standards, actively exploring new models for the transformation of medical and engineering cross-integration scientific and technological achievements in the future, promoting the collaborative innovation and development of regional medical specialties and biological industries, and promoting academic prosperity. the medical imaging business continues to advance and make more contributions.
