the 4th life science and health promotion forum and the 1st nutrition sports and health yangtze river forum (chengdu) summit live invitation
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2021-10-29


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in order to better promote the construction and development of nutrition and food hygiene, physical education, psychology, health management, sports medicine and other disciplines in our province, improve the level of academic scientific research, and further promote the integration of nutrition, sports and health innovation and high-quality development, after research, the chengdu high-tech medical association is scheduled to be held in chengdu, sichuan province on october 29-31, 2021 (live broadcast time 10.30 8:00-10.31 12:00) the inaugural meeting of the nutrition sports and health branch of chengdu high-tech medical association and the first nutrition sports and health yangtze river forum (chengdu) summit".


with the theme of "cross-integration and innovative development", the conference also held the "nutrition and health characteristics sub-forum" with "clinical nutrition therapy as the core" and the "sports and health characteristics sub-forum" with "cross-integration of sports medicine, sports education, sports and tourism, cultural tourism and health care and outdoor sports customization as the core". through expert keynote lectures and roundtable summits, we will interpret policies, share experiences, exchange methods, update concepts, innovate thinking, and improve academic research levels and professional skills.
