Notice of Chengdu high tech Medical Association on doing a good job in the 2022 doctor qualification examination of Chengdu high tech Zone
Author:质控  Addtime:2022-02-08

Medical institutions:

 According to the law of the people's Republic of China on licensed doctors and the Interim Measures for doctor qualification examination, the doctor qualification examination will be held nationwide in 2022. The clinical category, traditional Chinese medicine category, oral category, public health category and some contents of health regulations in the examination outline of rural general practitioner assistant doctors have been adjusted, See the notifications issued by the national health and health examination committee of the National Medical Health Examination Committee on the revision of the contents of the health care regulations of the medical qualification examination (medical comprehensive examination). (National Health Examination Commission 2020, No. 7), and the relevant provisions of the provincial and municipal examination offices, and the COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control requirements. The relevant matters concerning the on-site audit of the 2022 doctor qualification examination of the high tech Zone are hereby notified as follows:

1、 Audit time

9:00-12:00 and 13:30-17:00, February 9-11, 2022

2、 Audit location

Medical education department, 1st floor, administration building, Chengdu western integrated traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital (No. 28, South Section 3 of the first ring road, entrance C of yiguanmiao, Metro Line 3)

3、 Audit requirements

All units shall send personnel to the audit site to collectively go through the on-site confirmation procedures. After the on-site qualification confirmation, audit and registration procedures are completed, the relevant information of registration shall not be changed. Candidates who fail to complete the registration and qualification confirmation within the specified time will not go through the supplementary reporting procedures within the time limit, and their online forecast name will be invalid.

4、 Materials to be submitted for site qualification confirmation

(1) Relevant materials shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the catalogue of materials required for on-site audit of candidates for medical examination (see Annex 1 for details).

(2) All units must submit an electronic roster on site (according to Annex 2), and this form shall be filled in respectively according to category and level (i.e. the same category and level shall be filled in the same form).

5、 Epidemic prevention and control and work requirements

(1) All units shall do a good job in examination registration in strict accordance with the relevant epidemic prevention requirements of the state, province, city and district, so as to ensure the life safety and health of candidates and staff.

(2) All units shall conduct the preliminary examination of examination qualification in strict accordance with the provisions of relevant documents, and shall not relax the registration conditions without authorization. Any staff member who violates discipline shall be investigated for responsibility and dealt with seriously in accordance with the provisions on the handling of discipline violations in the qualification examination for professional and technical personnel (Order No. 31 of the Ministry of human resources and social security).

(3) According to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, the personnel participating in the on-site audit must actively show the health code, travel code, temperature measurement, etc. For example, in the recent 21 days, if there is a history of tourism in high and medium risk areas, fever, cough and other related symptoms, and the residents' health code is red or yellow, they cannot participate in the on-site audit.


