Give full play to the role of bridge hinge and promote the development of health services Leaders of health Service Development Department of Municipal Health Commission visited Chengdu High-tech Medical Association to guide the work
Author:质控  Addtime:2022-05-13

On the afternoon of May 12, 2022, Director Liu Zhaofeng, Deputy Director Wu Yusong and Professor Huang Jiangtao of Health Service Development Department of Chengdu Health Commission visited Chengdu High-tech Medical Association to guide the work. Mainly on how to give play to the role of science and technology association, into the leading health scenario how service upgrade, big health industry innovation, chengdu biological medicine and convention and exhibition industry to build strong ring chain, chengdu health areas to optimize the business environment, medical health services project investment conference, international medical center, health chengdu major construction and so on has carried on the discussion. Wu Bosheng of Health Department of Education, Culture, Health and Health Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone attended the meeting, and Zeng Bin, Secretary general of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, Ai He, Deputy Secretary General, Xie Yi, Deputy Secretary General Lin Fan and heads of all departments attended the meeting, which was presided over by Ai He, Deputy Secretary General.


Zeng Bin on behalf of the society, first secretary general of chengdu WeiJianWei health services development in led line of arrival, a warm welcome, from the introduction of chengdu high-tech zone and WeiJian work situation, learn to profile and structure of the secretariat, society development advantage and function, integrated into the health service and foreign cooperation and academic exchange and so on has made the detailed introduction.


Zhao-feng liu director as a national high-tech industrial development zone of chengdu high-tech medical association medical science and technology association does not forget beginner's mind, and actively promote with great health and industrial convergence characteristic development, explore the biological medicine and convention and exhibition industry to build strong ring chain, health optimization to do business, to undertake social responsibility, big health services with high quality medical resources and efficient service, It has satisfied the masses' demand for big health service and promoted the high quality development of health service.

Chengdu high-tech zone and health health bureau WeiJian place Wu Bosheng WeiJian departments said on behalf of high-tech zone, and thank you very much, chengdu WeiJianWei commissioner of health services development zhao-feng liu a line to visit chengdu high-tech medical association work, leading to the arrival of new and high brought health services policy and service, we will make persistent efforts, forge ahead, with high quality health services, contributing to society, Benefit the people. Actively promote the optimization of the business environment in the high-tech health sector, and actively promote the high-quality development of the health service industry in high-tech zones.

After the meeting, Liu Zhaofeng, director of health Service Development Department of Chengdu Health Commission, and his delegation also conducted a field survey on the construction of secretariat of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and gave guidance.


Several Opinions of The State Council on promoting the development of health service industry once again sounded the horn of promoting related industries. The Opinions put forward three basic principles. First, we should put people first and promote coordinated development. We will take improving the health quality and level of the people as the fundamental starting point and goal of the development of the health service industry, and earnestly safeguard the health rights and interests of the people. Distinguish between basic and non-basic health services and achieve coordinated development. Coordinate the allocation of urban and rural and regional health service resources to promote balanced development. Second, we will continue to follow government guidance and market drive. Strengthen the role of government in institutional building, planning and policy making and supervision. We will give full play to the basic role of the market in allocating resources, stimulate social vitality, increase the supply of health services, and improve their quality and efficiency. Third, deepen reform and pursue innovative development. We will strengthen the support of science and technology, expand the scope of services, encourage the development of new types of business, raise the standard and professional level of health services, and establish a health service system and mechanism that suits China's national conditions and develops sustainably.