"Golden eye" in laboratory medicine, mass spectrometry accurate detection technology
Author:质控  Addtime:2022-06-23

Prevention, early detection and intervention are the best ways to prevent and cure rare diseases, and the diagnosis technology of rare diseases is based on gene detection based on high-throughput sequencing and biological analysis and mass spectrometry detection at metabolite level. The development of clinical testing technology is changing with each passing day. As one of the representatives of testing technology, mass spectrometry technology has the characteristics of high accuracy, high specificity, high sensitivity, low cost and high flux. It can detect multiple indicators in one experiment, and has attracted more and more attention. In order to promote the development and application of mass spectrometry technology in related fields, further enrich the cutting-edge knowledge of medical personnel in the field of testing technology, promote everyone to learn new technologies and methods, focus on the application of mass spectrometry technology, provide accurate diagnosis and treatment detection, promote the development of medical testing technology and serve human health. Sponsored by Chengdu high tech Medical Association and organized by Chengdu Yingshi medical laboratory, the "continuing education training course on the progress of prevention and treatment of rare diseases and new progress in the application of clinical laboratory mass spectrometry technology (c22-01-101030113)" was successfully held online on June 18, with a total of more than 2200 participants.


The opening ceremony of the conference was presided over by lihongxia, chairman of the testing professional committee of Chengdu high tech Medical Association. Aihe, vice president and Deputy Secretary General of Chengdu high tech Medical Association, and LuoPeng, general manager of Chengdu Yingshi medical laboratory, addressed the conference.


This meeting brought together a number of outstanding clinical medical experts and clinical laboratory experts from well-known hospitals in China to give lectures in the cloud, focusing on the hot applications of mass spectrometry technology in clinical practice, such as the application of mass spectrometry technology in neonatal genetic metabolic disease screening and clinical detection, steroid hormone detection, vitamin detection and blood drug concentration monitoring, and neonatal lysosomal disease screening and detection, Recent progress in the application of mass spectrometry in prenatal diagnosis of organic acidemia. At the same time, the development of clinical mass spectrometry is also elaborated and prospected.


Through this training course, a platform for communication and cooperation among laboratory medicine peers was built, new technologies and knowledge of laboratory medicine were transmitted, and the importance of close communication between laboratory medicine and clinical medicine was emphasized, which played a positive role in promoting the overall level of clinical laboratory at the grass-roots level and the development of laboratory medicine.
