Build an innovation platform to help industrial development
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-03-16

     On the morning of March 16, 2022, Lin Fan, Deputy Secretary General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, and Bu Wei, Deputy Director of Science and Technology Innovation Center, accompanied Hong Tao, Executive General Manager of CITIC Securities Co., Ltd., to Chengdu Ernst & Young Dingye Biotechnology Co., Ltd. With Guo Pei, general manager of Chengdu Ernst & Young Dingye Biotechnology Co., Ltd., and Wang Hongbo, chief financial officer, they conducted multi-dimensional communication on industrial prospects, technical cooperation and resource integration. He also communicated with Guo Zhuoran, deputy general manager of CITIC Securities Co., Ltd., and Dr. Liu Jun from Chengdu Ernst & Young Dingye Biotechnology Co., Ltd. in the form of a video conference.


     Hong Tao, executive general manager of CITIC Securities Co., Ltd., said that under the background of the "14th Five-Year Plan" planning policy, biomedical projects have great development advantages.3.16.2.jpg

     Guo Pei, general manager of Chengdu Ernst & Young Dingye Biotechnology Co., Ltd., said that the technology of the project is developing steadily, and he is willing to cooperate with each other to face and overcome the next problems together to speed up the progress of the project.

     Lin Fan, deputy secretary general of the Medical Association, said that the association will focus on building a high-end cooperation, exchange and innovation platform that integrates production, education, research and application, focusing on cutting-edge biomedical technologies, promoting cooperation in the biomedical industry, promoting the integration and innovation of research and capital, and helping the biomedical industry. high-quality development.

Editor in charge: Cao Lisha

Review: Lin Fan