Deepen understanding of head and neck tumors and discuss immunotherapy techniques
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-07-12

In order to improve the recognition and mastery of standardized diagnosis and treatment of head and neck tumor in hospitals at all levels in the region, consolidate the theoretical basis and improve the treatment level of head and neck tumor. Sponsored by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and undertaken by Chengdu Boe Hospital, the municipal medical further education program "Progress seminar of immunotherapy for recurrent/Advanced metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck" was held in the academic Lecture Hall, 1st floor, Scientific Research Building, CHENGDU BOE Hospital on July 9, 2022.


The training course adopted the form of theoretical training. The opening ceremony was presided over by Wang Cunbang, director of Chengdu Boe Hospital. Ai He, vice president and Deputy secretary general of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, and Teng Donghai, vice president of Chengdu BOE Hospital delivered speeches.

In this training, famous provincial experts in the field of head and neck cancer were invited to share the knowledge and case sharing about the prevention and management of adverse reactions in the treatment of head and neck cancer, the progress of radiotherapy for NKT lymphoma of nasal cavity, the progress of medical treatment for adenoid cystic cancer, etc., and to ask questions and interact with participants.


Experts in this conference explained immunotherapy, tumor and other related knowledge in multidimensional detail, and strengthened participants' understanding and understanding of standardized diagnosis and treatment of head and neck tumor through on-site questions and discussions. Through training, we will promote the development of immunotherapy for advanced metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, continuously enrich the knowledge accumulation of doctors and scholars in this field, and greatly promote the patients to receive more safe and high-quality treatment.