The fourth BLS medical staff basic life support first aid training course was successfully held
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-07-18

In order to strengthen the academic exchange of medical imaging in Ningxia, improve the basic life support skills of professional and technical personnel, and promote the development of medical imaging in Ningxia, the fourth BLS medical personnel basic life support first aid training course jointly sponsored by Ningxia Medical Association and Chengdu high tech Medical Association was held in Zhongwei people's Hospital on July 16, 2022. Professor Cai Zhong, a Beijing expert from the people's Hospital of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Professor Ping Xuejun from general hospital of Ningxia Medical University, Professor Zheng Cuiying from Zhongwei people's Hospital and other experts brought relevant training and conducted assessment and summary. Representatives participating in the training expressed that they had benefited a lot.
