The second Western Sichuan neurointervention Academic Salon was successfully held
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-06-23

In order to focus on the clinical practice and research of the hot and difficult points of Neurology diagnosis and treatment, and jointly discuss the construction and development of Neurology in Western Sichuan. The second Western Sichuan Neurointerventional Academic Salon Hosted by Chengdu high tech Medical Association was held online on June 21, 2022, and invited professors zhenghongbo from West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Wang Jian, Chen Zhao, Zheng Bo from Ya'an people's Hospital, song Bo from Meishan people's Hospital, she Xiaoyun, Lei Bo from Leshan people's Hospital, Chen Li, Yu Zhou from the first people's Hospital of Liangshan Prefecture Professor Chen menggang and more than a dozen famous neurology experts gave special academic lectures to build an academic platform for the majority of Neurology medical staff and related researchers and provide an opportunity for learning and exchange.
