Vascular imaging forum held successfully
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-07-15

With the rapid improvement of imaging examination, various imaging equipment has been developed by leaps and bounds. In order to strengthen the academic exchange of medical imaging, comprehensively improve the professional level of imaging practitioners, and standardize the diagnostic thinking of doctors in grass-roots hospitals, the vascular imaging Forum jointly sponsored by Ningxia Medical Association and Chengdu high tech Medical Association was held in the hospital of Ningxia Autonomous Region on July 13, 2022, with about 30 representatives participating. At the meeting, Professor Yang Lili, Wang Fang, Wu Xiaohong and Zhang Hua from the people's Hospital of Ningxia Autonomous Region were invited to give wonderful lectures and share cases on relevant topics, and had a heated discussion. The representatives at the meeting expressed that they benefited greatly and hoped to participate in similar meetings in the future.image.png