Notice on obtaining the 2021 vice Senior Qualification Certificate of health and traditional Chinese Medicine
Author:质控  Addtime:2022-08-15

Medical institutions:

The 2021 vice Senior Qualification Certificate of health and traditional Chinese medicine has been obtained. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

1、 Collection time: 10:00-16:00, August 15-16, 2022;

2、 Receiving address: Chengdu high tech Medical Association (No. 65, Xinyi West Street);

3、 Carrying information: my ID card; If it is the leader of the unit, please issue relevant entrustment materials and affix official seal; If it is collected by others, please bring a copy of your ID card, letter of authorization and ID card of the collecting agent;

4、 Contact: Mr. Wei, 18602888559.