"Fat" is extraordinary, filling "fat" is excellent -- The clinical application and latest progress of liposuction and fat filling in Chengdu Continuing Medical Education Project was successfully held
Author:质控  Addtime:2022-09-20

    On August 26, 2022, the 2022 Chengdu municipal continuing medical education project "Training Class on Clinical Application and Latest Progress of liposuction and fat filling" was sponsored by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and undertaken by Chengdu High-tech Milan-Baiyu Medical Cosmetology Hospital. C22-01-104100109) was successfully held in Chengdu Gaoxin Milan-Baiyu Hospital. Famous surgical fat experts from the province gathered together to discuss the new concept and new progress of fat surgery through the form of keynote speech and operation practice, and constantly improve the professional theory and skill level of fat surgery. To promote the professional development of fat surgery. The conference was held both online and offline, with a total of 500 participants.

     Chengdu high and new Medical Association Vice president and deputy Secretary-General Ai He, Chengdu high and new Milan Baiyu Medical Cosmetology Hospital Wu Guichuan executive general manager attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.

Tang Yong, president of Chengdu Bada Medical Cosmetology Hospital, Lin Tao, Professor of Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, Qin Xiao, Professor of Chengdu Third People's Hospital, Lu Shurong, president of Chengdu Zhongai Meicheng Medical Cosmetology Outpatient Department, Professor Zhang Han and teacher Li Ruixuan from Gaoxin Milan Baiyu Medical Cosmetology Hospital were invited to teach. Experts, respectively is the basic concept of liposuction and safety assessment, and details of operation, the fat treatment, filling parts of the safety guarantee, filling technique and aesthetics, fat complication prevention and treatment methods, rehydration details after operation, postoperative observation, the garment worn time, model and perioperative management of project conducted a wonderful speech, content easily understood, It was highly praised by the participants.




The success of the conference, so that every fat plastic plastic surgeons to understand and master the scientific theory and the latest technology of fat plastic surgery, continue to improve the clinical application of liposuction and fat filling, promote the high-quality development of plastic and cosmetic surgery.