Science and Precision to help epidemic prevention and control -- Chengdu High-tech Medical Association Epidemic Control Branch 2022 Academic Annual meeting and training class successfully held
Author:质控  Addtime:2022-11-11

In order to further improve the theoretical and technical level of COVID-19 and nosocomial infection prevention and control of professional and part-time COVID-19 control personnel, and effectively guarantee medical safety and health of patients and employees, the event was jointly organized by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and Shangjin Hospital, West China Hospital of Sichuan University. The 2022 Academic Annual Meeting of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association Nosocomial Infection Management Branch and Training Course on Nosocomial Infection Prevention and Control Ability and Nosocomial Infection Prevention and Control Ability of Infected Personnel was successfully held in Chengdu from November 9 to 11, 2022.


The conference officially started at 8:30 on November 9th. The opening ceremony was presided over by Xu Shilan, Director of Hospital Infection Management Branch of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association. Ai He, Deputy Secretary-General of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association, Xu Just, President of Shangjin Hospital of West China Hospital of Sichuan University, and Du Xiaodong, Vice president attended and delivered a speech.


The training invited famous domestic experts to explain the knowledge of precision flow control, medical staff management, ward management, infection surveillance, precision prevention and control from different perspectives. The content is rich, practical and operable. The teaching content of each expert is based on the actual work of epidemic prevention and control and hospital infection management. Share with you the latest requirements and experience.


The training invited famous domestic experts to explain the knowledge of precision flow control, medical staff management, ward management, infection surveillance, precision prevention and control from different perspectives. The content is rich, practical and operable. The teaching content of each expert is based on the actual work of epidemic prevention and control and hospital infection management. Share with you the latest requirements and experience.


This training aims to strengthen the awareness of nosocomial infection prevention and control, actively prevent and control nosocomial infection outbreaks, ensure medical safety, and lay a solid foundation for creating a "zero tolerance" atmosphere for nosocomial infection.