In 2022, the national continuing medical education project
Author:质控  Addtime:2022-11-14

The introduction

In order to further promote the development of clinical microbiological laboratory technology in Sichuan Province and strengthen academic research exchanges, the Clinical Microbiological Laboratory Technology Application and Progress Training Class of Clinical Microbiological Laboratory Technology was held online by the General Hospital of the Western Theater Command of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association from November 12-13, 2022 [Project number: 2022-11-01-356 (China) To build an academic exchange platform for front-line microbial inspectors to learn and improve together, and jointly promote the development and progress in the field of microbiology.




In order of meeting schedule


Yang Jiyong, the First Medical Center of the Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital

Application of NGS in the Detection of Pathogenic Microorganisms


Xie Yi, West China Hospital, Sichuan University

Microbial Grading Report to Help Rapid Diagnosis and Treatment of Infection


Liu Yuan, General Hospital of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Western Theater Command

Analysis on the Clinical Application of Microbiological Examination Technology


Li Fuxiang, General Hospital of the PLA Western Theater Command

"Case Analysis of Patients with severe Multisystemic Infection"


Liu Xin, Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences and Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital

The Lean Process of Blood Culture


Yang Qing, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine

Serological Detection of Clinical Pathogenic Fungi


DaiYuanYuan,First Affiliated Hospital of University of Science and Technology of China (Anhui Provincial Hospital)

Clinical Benefits of Lean Blood Culture


Ying Chunmei, Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University

"Automatic Microbial Specimen Pretreatment helps improve the efficiency of Microbiology Laboratory"


Chen Lidan, General Hospital of the Southern Theater Command of the Chinese People's Liberation Army

Value of Rapid Identification Results in anti-infection Diagnosis and Treatment


Kuang Ling Han, the Second Hospital of West China, Sichuan University

Discussion on the Clinical Value of Mass Spectrometry


Li Jin, Army Specialty Medical Center (Daping Hospital), Army Military Medical University

The Application Value of MALDI-TOF MS in Scientific Research


Hu Fupin, Institute of Antibiotics, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University

How to interpret the Results of Bacterial Drug Susceptibility Tests


Xiong Jie, General Hospital of the PLA Western Theater Command

"Perspective-taking in Clinical Communication"


Kang Mei, West China Hospital, Sichuan University

Support of Microbiological Examination for Clinical Precision Diagnosis and Treatment


Li Gang, General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University

"How Microbial Reporting Meets Clinical Needs under New Circumstances"

Style of host



    The development of clinical microbiology test and diagnosis is very important to promote the early, rapid and accurate diagnosis of infectious diseases. This conference presented an academic feast with multi-disciplinary and multi-angle exchanges of experts and scholars, especially in the context of the global spread of COVID-19 and the constant development and change of the anti-epidemic situation, bringing clinical laboratories in the background to the forefront.

The content of this conference is detailed and the atmosphere is warm. We will make further efforts in the future to build a platform for academic exchanges in the field of microbiology.