The expert consensus training course on diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in the community was successfully held
Author:质控  Addtime:2022-11-26

In order to further promote the development of general practice in all units of our district, improve the medical level of grass-roots clinics, and strengthen the health management of common diseases in the community. The medical continuing education project "Expert consensus on diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in communities" sponsored by Chengdu Hi tech Medical Association and undertaken by Sichuan Dajia Medical Testing Co., Ltd. was successfully held online on November 26, 2022.


This training invited well-known experts from both inside and outside the province to give a keynote speech, covering the basic treatment of hyperthyroidism, the clinical application of cardiovascular test items, the diagnosis and treatment of infant milk protein allergy, and the change of the new guidelines for diabetes 2020. Experts combined their own experience, vividly explained various professional knowledge, and brought wonderful courses to the trainees.


Through this training, we hope that the trainees can apply what they have learned, improve their professional knowledge, improve their ability to diagnose and treat common diseases and multiple diseases, and apply the learned knowledge to clinical practice to better serve the people.