Strive for the lead and forge ahead -- Chengdu High-tech Medical Association held the 2022 annual health training and assessment government procurement service project Completion summary meeting
Author:质控  Addtime:2022-12-20

As the year 2022 is drawing to a close, Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association, as the assistant of the Health Bureau of Chengdu Hi-Tech Zone, has played its full role and always stayed true to its original purpose. Under the special circumstances of the fight against the novel coronavirus, it has fully completed the task of epidemic prevention and control while fully completing various government procurement service projects. On the afternoon of December 12, Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association welcomed the inspection and acceptance of the 2022 annual health training and assessment government procurement service project with full enthusiasm, and delivered a satisfactory answer paper. Leaders attending the meeting included Ms. Wu Bosheng, Ms. Ling Min, Ms. Yang Yang, head of the Department of Health of the Health Bureau of High-tech Zone, Ms. Ai He, Deputy Secretary General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, heads of relevant departments of the Association, audit experts, and representatives of regional hospitals, outpatient departments, third-party medical inspection laboratories, and community health service centers.


The meeting was presided over by Ai He, Deputy Secretary-General. Long Guiying, Minister of Quality Control Science and Technology Department of the society, reported the completion of the health training and assessment government procurement service project of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association in 2022. The secretary-general of the Medical Association Ai He summarized, he first thanked the high-tech zone health Bureau for the support and recognition of the work of the society. Hi-tech Medical Association will continue to take a serious and responsible attitude, improve the requirements, do a good job in the implementation of political projects, to ensure that in accordance with the requirements of the superior authorities and time to complete all projects, do a good job of the government as a counselor and assistant. Wu Bosheng, head of the Health Department of Chengdu High-tech Zone Health Bureau, gave high recognition and thanks to the work of high-tech Medical Association. He said that the high-tech Medical Association is the link between the government and institutions of the high-tech zone, a platform for exchange and cooperation, and a provider of high-quality services. I hope that the Medical Association in the future political work, can not forget the original intention, take responsibility, continue to make contributions to the high-tech zone medical field.


Chengdu High-tech Medical Association successfully completed the project commissioned by the health bureau of high-tech zone, one is to establish a firm concept of service. To enhance the awareness of service as the purpose, effectively accelerate the implementation of the government procurement entrusted projects according to the schedule, in order to promote the district's health cause and "strengthen the grassroots, promote transfer" development services. The second is to establish the concept of benefit and efficiency. In carrying out the work of the project entrusted by the government, we constantly improve the management level and strive to improve the management mode, and realize the simultaneous improvement of work efficiency and social benefits. Third, establish a legal concept. Adhering to the law of administration to carry out government procurement entrusted projects, the correct use of legal and economic means to manage government procurement activities, the comprehensive implementation of prior to, during and after supervision, adhere to the disclosure of information, process and results, effectively strengthen the quality of acceptance, to ensure that the operation and implementation of government procurement entrusted projects in the sunshine.