The municipal continuing education project "Chengdu High-tech Zone Inspection Quality Control Training Class" was successfully held
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-01-04

In order to improve the ability of laboratory quality management, enhance the understanding of medical staff in medical laboratory and related departments on the new progress and new trends of clinical laboratory quality control, and strengthen academic exchanges and technical cooperation, this study was jointly sponsored by Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association and Chengdu First People's Hospital. Chengdu High-tech Zone Inspection and Quality Control Training Class (Project No. : C22-01-111000018), a municipal continuing education project undertaken by Chengdu High-tech Zone Inspection and Quality Control Branch Center, was held online on December 28. More than nine students attended the conference.


The opening ceremony was presided over by Professor Wang Rui from Chengdu First People's Hospital. Ai He, Vice President and deputy Secretary General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. He said: Thank you for your busy schedule to attend the meeting, thank the teaching experts for the meeting to pay; The conference invited are famous lecturers in the provinces and cities, we hope that the conference students seize the opportunity to learn advanced knowledge and experience, improve themselves.


This online training will invite famous inspection quality control experts and scholars in the province to give lectures, which are rich in content and closely follow the actual situation, such as: Clinical laboratory biosafety risk assessment, clinical gene amplification laboratory pollution prevention and treatment, hepatitis B markers detection and quality control, clinical test quality indicators and other knowledge points, not only have theoretical explanation, but also combined with the actual analysis of medical records, it is worth the majority of relevant professional laboratory personnel to learn.


Through this training, it is hoped that participants can learn more knowledge in the field of inspection and quality control, consolidate and absorb to improve their professional and technical ability or learn to contact new fields, promote medical institutions related personnel in the inspection and quality control of special technical progress, for patients to accept safer and more high-quality treatment to make a huge role in promoting.