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The popularization of science in health lecture Hall into community -- Quiet in motion! Tai chi popular science experience activities exhibition style
Author:质控  Addtime:2022-06-10

In order to actively promote healthy China and national fitness strategy, further inherit and develop traditional national sports and fitness programs, on the morning of June 10th, organized by Education, Culture and Health Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone, The "2022 Tai Chi Culture Popularization Activity" jointly organized by Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association, the Party Branch of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association, the Health Service Center of Guixi Community of Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone and the Neighborhood Committee of Heping Community of Guixi Street of Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone was held in Heping Square of Heping Community.

The activity invited Mr. Li Xin, the Tai chi instructor from Chuan Yun Zhu Tai Chi Academy and the inhertor of traditional Tai Chi, to explain basic tai chi culture to residents and lead them to carry out simple tai chi sports.


Mr. Li explained the basic Tai Chi theory -- mind calm and body loose. The so-called "calm mind" means that when practicing Taijiquan, all miscellaneous thoughts should be excluded from the outside interference. The so-called "body loose" does not mean the whole body is relaxed and tired, but means that on the basis of maintaining the correct body posture during boxing training, the whole body consciously makes the joints, fascia and ligaments to achieve the maximum relaxation state. Students listen carefully, actively ask questions, learning effect is good.


Mr. Li showed the basic movements of tai chi, such as relaxing, turning the waist and lifting the leg. The movements were expansive and continuous, strong and powerful, or detached and free and easy, both rigid and flexible. They not only showed the essence of Chinese traditional culture, but also showed the ideal state of peace, health and detachment.


This activity not only shows the essence of Tai Chi and the good spirit of residents, but also adds a strong brush brush to the popularization of Tai Chi. The public responded warmly and look forward to more similar activities in the future.


In the next step, Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association will cooperate with more experts to further promote the development of physical fitness projects for community residents, constantly deepen the connotation of sports services, provide diversified and high-quality public sports services, and comprehensively improve the "health index" and "happiness index" of the masses.

