Chengdu High-tech Zone to the area's medical institutions Expert on-site review guide
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-01-18

Entrusted by the Health Department of Health Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone, Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Quality Control Management Service Center organizes relevant professional review experts, On the afternoon of January 17, 2023, experts were on the spot to review the health administrative licenses of medical institutions applied by the first General Outpatient Department of Chengdu Gaoxinjia Medical Management and the second General Outpatient Department of Chengdu Gaoxinjia Medical Management.


The Medical Quality Control and Management Service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone has formulated the technical evaluation work plan according to the relevant provisions and requirements of the "Regulations on the Management of Medical Institutions" and other documents. Professor Xu Shilan, an expert in hospital perception of Shangjin Nanfu Hospital of West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Professor Li Yulan, an expert in medical management of Chengdu First People's Hospital, and Professor Li Rui, a nursing expert of Chengdu Third People's Hospital, were invited to form an expert review team for on-site review and acceptance. Mr. Zhao Gaolu from Health Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone and Mr. Ai He, deputy director of Medical Quality Control Management Service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone supervised the whole process.


At the review site, the expert group conducted a detailed review and acceptance of the organization's zoning layout, personnel qualifications, facilities and equipment, medical waste management, biosafety, system construction and other aspects, and gave valuable guidance, and put forward rectification requirements for the problems found in the review process.

Finally, Deputy Director Ai He made a concluding speech, he said that the evaluation work is mainly to promote the construction of evaluation, hope that the institution to take this review as an opportunity, according to the opinions and suggestions put forward by the experts, seriously implement the rectification, further standardized construction, for the old white surname do a good job.