Notice of the Second Round of the International Summit Forum on Hemodialysis & Vascular Access
Author:管理员  Addtime:2018-07-17

Notice of the Second Round of the International Summit Forum on Hemodialysis & Vascular Access

Distinguished experts, professors and colleagues:

In order to further promote the development of hemodialysis and vascular access in the province, and strengthen academic exchanges, the "International Summit Forum on Hemodialysis & Vascular Access" sponsored by the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association and hosted by Chengdu High-tech Boli Hospital is scheduled for 2018

From June 8th to 9th, it was held at the Dragon Dream Hotel in Chengdu. The relevant matters of the meeting are hereby notified as follows:

1. Meeting Schedule


Agenda of International Summit Forum on Hemodialysis & Vascular Access
June 8, 2018
10:00-14:00check in
Pre-conference meeting (Chengdu Hi-tech Boli Hospital)


14:00-16:00Management and Development PsychologyMa XiaopingHu Bingshuang
16:00-17:00Management and executionZhang Ping

To be determined

17:00-17:30CKD-MBD New ideas for treatment

June 9, 2018 (Dragon Dream Hotel)


8:30-8:50Opening speechFu PingLeader
8:50-9:00Welcome addressFu PingTan Jing
9:00-9:25Future development of hemodialysis centerMa XiaopingFu Ping
9:25-9:50Quality control of hemodialysis centerLi GuisenJiang Hongli
9:50-10:15Hemodialysis chain practitioners --- Shengrenkang MedicalJiang HongliZhang Ping
10:15-10:25Tea break
10:25-10:50CKD-MBD managementZhang PingLiu Fang
10:50-11:15Discussion on operation time of total parathyroidectomy for uremiaLi ZhihuiTang Bing
11:15-11:40Hemodialysis room performance improvement managementChen TongFu Xia
11:40-12:05Nutritional management of hemodialysis patientsZhou ShuluLiu Yuan
12:05-12:10discussFu Ping
13:30-13:40Chairman's MessageHe Qiang
Surgical skills of autogenous arteriovenous fistula and case discussion of complex vascular access 
Duan Zhiqiang
Su Shanghao
15:30-15:55Clinical Application of High Retention Dialysis
Sui Jun


2. Participants

Relevant medical staff and representatives of relevant enterprises engaged in hemodialysis and vascular access in and outside the province, and members of various academic groups.

3. Time and place

(1) Time: Check in from 10:00 to 14:00 on June 8;

14: 00 ~ 17: 30 Before the meeting;

Full-day meeting from 8:30 to 17:20 on June 9;

(2) Location: Chengdu Longemont Hotel (Address: No. 8-A, Jialingjiang Road, Chenghua District).

4. Transportation Information

Chengdu Longemont Hotel is located at the north exit of East Plaza of Chengdu East Passenger Station, a comprehensive transportation hub in the southwest. The underground corridor of the hotel lobby leads directly to the arrival floor of East Passenger Station.

Metro Line 2, Line 7 and several major high-speed rail lines are seamlessly connected here. It takes only 16 minutes to take the Chengmianle Express Line to Shuangliu Airport. (See Annex 2 for map details)

Five, charging standards

Participants are not required to pay conference fees, accommodation and accommodation are arranged uniformly, and accommodation and transportation fees are returned to the unit for reimbursement according to regulations.

6. Credits awarded

Participants will be awarded two credits of municipal level Ⅱ continuing medical education (electronic credits, all participants are requested to download the Chinese medicine intellectual application in advance and register and certify, so as to obtain credits)

Seven, safety tips

Delegates, please do n’t leave your sights while taking or driving transportation, and carry valuables or cash as much as possible; be familiar with the emergency escape method in the event of an accident on the transportation; prohibit drunk driving, speeding, and driving without a license Waiting for traffic behavior.

8. Other

Relevant departments and units are required to summarize the participation receipt form (see Annex 1 for details) and report to the conference affairs group mailbox before June 1st:

Nine, conference contacts

Contact: Liu Yang Phone: 18215667882


Pang Cai Tel: 18381092325


Tang Meiyan Tel: 18382221427

Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association

May 9, 2018