In 2022, Sichuan Province Tumor Development Forum was successfully held
Author:管理员  Addtime:2022-12-21

In order to strengthen the communication of medical institutions in various cities and counties of Sichuan Province in cancer, summarize the past development experience in the field of cancer, and look forward to the future, the common progress of new topics and new technologies. "Sichuan Province Cancer Development Forum 2022" will be held online on December 20, 2022. This meeting is sponsored by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, the meeting invited Jiuquan City People's Hospital, Yuechi County People's Hospital, Yilong County People's Hospital, Nanchong City Physical and mental Hospital, Dazhu County People's Hospital and Cangxi County People's Hospital and other experts to give a special lecture, the province's grass-roots hospital cancer treatment level has a promoting role!