Scientific research leads to promote development -- Chengdu High-tech Zone holds 2023 Municipal medical research project application training meeting
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-03-13

According to the relevant requirements of the Notice of Chengdu Health Commission on organizing the application of 2023 Medical scientific research Projects in Chengdu, Chengdu High-tech Medical Association organized the "2023 Annual medical scientific research Project Application Training Meeting of Chengdu High-tech Zone" on March 10th. It attracted more than 100 experts from more than 50 medical institutions and enterprises from inside and outside the district.


The Health Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone attaches great importance to this training meeting, and relevant leaders have repeatedly entrusted that the application of medical scientific research projects is the need of the high-quality development of our district's medical system, the continuous development of people's health needs, and the development of medical institutions themselves. Each medical institution needs to determine the target according to its own situation, make plans, and do a good job in 2023 municipal medical scientific research project application.

The training will be taught by Ai He, vice president and deputy secretary general of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association. Ai He, deputy secretary general of the city research project application process, topic selection, project application writing, project management and matters for attention were explained in detail. The questions raised by various medical institutions were answered and communicated in depth.


The successful holding of this meeting effectively promoted the work of scientific research projects of medical institutions and enterprises inside and outside the district, and promoted the high-quality development of medical and health undertakings.

First, we should fully cultivate the soil for scientific research, lay a solid foundation for scientific research work, strengthen the correct work orientation, fully secure the quality of academic achievements, and strive to create a new situation in scientific research work.

Second, to achieve a higher level of scientific research, promote the high-quality development of health work to achieve new achievements, and contribute to the high-quality development of the people's health cause!