The Nursing Quality Control Sub-center of Chengdu Hi-tech Zone held a training course on
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-03-13

  In order to implement the requirements of the Notice on the Implementation of the Core System of Medical Quality issued by the Sichuan Provincial Health Commission (CHB YZB [2023] No. 53), on the afternoon of March 8, 2023, the Nursing Quality Control Sub-center of Chengdu Hi-tech Zone carried out the training of the core system of nursing at the Academic Hall of the Southern District of Chengdu Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital to further improve the safety awareness of medical institutions at all levels, Improve the scientific, refined and homogeneous level of regional medical quality management. There were more than 200 participants, including 16 experts from the nature control center and more than 180 participants from medical institutions at all levels.


  At the beginning of the training, Liu Surong, director of the Quality Control Center, explained the background and significance of the training. Subsequently, the medical quality management measures were interpreted, and at the same time, typical cases of violating the medical quality management measures were explained in depth, warning the nursing staff that they should create a safe medical environment for patients and always put the safety of patients first.


  Subsequently, Yin Jun, Li Junwen, Liu Mengjie, the deputy director of the Nursing Department of Chengdu Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital, and Yu Hong, the head nurse of the operating room, gave a comprehensive and in-depth explanation of the 18 core systems. The training course closely focused on the core system of nursing, focusing on promoting learning through training and building through learning. The content was colorful, fully reflecting the importance of implementing the core system, and promoting the learning and implementation of the core system by nursing staff.





  In the training course, the trainees who participated in the training unanimously said that the training provided answers to questions and doubts about the implementation of the nursing system, which was rich in content, and had valuable guiding significance for their future troubleshooting of weak links and safety hazards in their work and the establishment of a long-term mechanism of the core nursing system!