Carry out medical quality inspection to promote the implementation of the core system -- Chengdu High-tech Zone carries out the supervision of the implementation of the core system of medical quality
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-03-27

In order to further enhance the safety awareness of medical institutions in the high-tech zone, tighten the main responsibility of medical quality management, establish and improve the long-term working mechanism of medical safety and quality management, and implement the relevant system of medical quality management. Entrusted by Health Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone, Medical Quality Control Management Service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone organized provincial and municipal medical and nursing management experts to supervise the implementation of the core system of medical quality of medical institutions in the zone on March 24, 2023.


In order to do a good job in this inspection, the Medical Quality Control and Management Service Center of High-tech Zone has collected self-examination and self-correction reports and letters of commitment from medical institutions in the region. And organized the expert training meeting, unified standards, unified scale, adhere to the principles of fairness, justice, openness, effectively play the role of supervision work, promote the high quality of the work of the medical institutions in the region.




The supervision and inspection, respectively by the medical management experts, nursing management experts formed an expert team, through the on-site report, access to data, personnel interview and other ways, targeted to the core system of the medical process, all elements, all-round investigation. At the same time, in view of the identified weak links and hidden risks, all business departments are required to rectify their own problems one by one, and issue expert review and assessment reports.





The purpose of the inspection of the implementation of the core system of medical quality is to find problems, solve problems, to achieve early detection of medical quality problems, early solution, in order to promote the continuous improvement of medical quality, ensure medical safety, at the same time, the specific work of the medical institutions to guide, put forward rectification suggestions, so as to better strengthen the medical quality management, consolidate the basic medical and nursing quality, Ensure the safety and effectiveness of medical services.