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Diagnosis and management of ectopic pregnancy "
Author:管理员  Addtime:2017-03-08

Diagnosis and management of ectopic pregnancy 

     In order to improve the professional technical level and service ability of medical staff in grass-roots medical institutions, standardize the diagnosis and treatment behavior of grass-roots gynecologists. On the afternoon of March 3, the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association held the district-level continuing medical education project "Diagnosis and Management of Ectopic Pregnancy". The training included more than 40 medical staff from all primary medical institutions in the high-tech zone.



  The training session was taught by Chief Physician Gu Xia of the First People ’s Hospital of Chengdu. Teacher Gu explained the "conceptual relationship between ectopic pregnancy and ectopic pregnancy". Based on the three cases as the prototype, the vivid explanation and the combination of theory and practice have enabled everyone to have a newer and more comprehensive understanding of the diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancy, which has played a good guiding role in the gynecological diagnosis and treatment of our primary medical institutions.


      This continuing medical education project "Diagnosis and Management of Ectopic Pregnancy" was a complete success and won unanimous praise from all parties.