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Common problems of prevention and treatment of hypertension and nephropathy, internal medicine diagnosis and treatment series 2
Author:管理员  Addtime:2017-04-19

Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association District-level continuing medical education project

"Frequently Asked Questions for Prevention and Treatment of Hypertensive Nephropathy, Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2"

Academic lectures carried out smoothly

     On April 19, 2017, the academic lecture of the district-level continuing medical education project "Prevention and Treatment of Hypertensive Nephropathy, Common Problems of Internal Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment" jointly organized by Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association and Chengdu High-tech Boli Hospital was held in Chengdu. The meeting room on the second floor of the High-tech Zone Medical Association was held. More than 60 colleagues from various medical institutions in the high-tech zone participated in the meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to further strengthen the opportunities for academic exchanges among peers and a platform for practical discussion and experience sharing.



  Dean Tan Jing from Chengdu Hi-tech Poly Hospital gave a brief opening speech, thanked all participants, and introduced the main process and content of the meeting. Next, Dean Zheng Yu of Nanchong Rehabilitation Hospital gave a detailed theoretical training and communication on "Prevention and Treatment of Hypertensive Nephropathy" and Dean Tan Jing of Chengdu High-tech Boli Hospital on "Common Problems in Internal Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment Series 2". The colleagues present here had in-depth multidisciplinary discussions.

  Through this meeting, the participants have a better understanding of the prevention and treatment of hypertensive nephropathy. The atmosphere is warm. Everyone has the courage to ask questions and share experience. The colleagues present here have benefited a lot. I hope that all colleagues can take the initiative to strengthen academic exchanges, discuss and share each other's experience in their future work, and make due contributions to improving the medical level of the high-tech zone.
