The establishment conference of the
Author:管理员  Addtime:2023-05-15

Under the cooperation principle of "resource sharing, equality and mutual benefit, and seeking common development", create a work environment that is compatible with the vision of "creating a world-class technology industry park" in Chengdu High tech Zone, fully leverage the role of higher education institutions, research institutes, and large tertiary research hospitals, and contribute to promoting the development of regional health and biopharmaceutical industry. The establishment conference of the "Regional Drug Clinical Trial Base (GCP) Alliance", "Regional Medical Ethics Committee", and "Chengdu Medical Innovation and Entrepreneurship Information Service Center" jointly initiated by Chengdu High tech Medical Association and Chengdu Medical College was held on May 12th at Chengdu Medical College.


The leaders attending this meeting include Comrade Liu Zhaofeng, Director of the Science and Education Service Industry Department of the Chengdu Municipal Health Commission and Deputy Director of the Chengdu High tech Zone Health Bureau, Comrade Hao Ming, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Chengdu Medical College, Comrade Zhang Tao, Vice President, Comrade Liu Gang, Dean of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu Medical College, Comrade Deng Fengmei, Dean of the Graduate School of Chengdu Medical College, and Comrade Yang Ping, Director of the Academic Affairs Office Comrade Lin Lin, Dean of the Elderly Health College and Director of the Sichuan Elderly Care and Elderly Health Collaborative Innovation Center, Comrade Wu Bosheng, Head of the Health Department of the High tech Zone Health Bureau, Comrade Zeng Bin, Vice President and Secretary General of Chengdu High tech Medical Association, and Comrade Ai He, Vice President and Deputy Secretary General.


Leaders from 35 regional GCP alliances, 26 experts from the Regional Medical Ethics Committee, and expert representatives from the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Information Service Center, totaling over 200 participants.

The establishment conference was presided over by Comrade Ren Tao, Deputy Director of the Science and Technology Department of Chengdu Medical College. Firstly, Comrade Hao Ming, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Chengdu Medical College, delivered a welcoming speech to the conference. He warmly welcomed the arrival of all leading experts and emphasized the importance of the establishment of the three organizations, which are important fields of medical technology innovation and evidence-based sources for clinical practice decision-making transformation. To build a bridge and link for the integration of medical education, research and production, as well as for innovation and entrepreneurship.


Comrade Zhang Tao, Vice President of Chengdu Medical College, read out the document on the establishment of the "Regional GCP Alliance", "Regional Medical Ethics Committee", and "Chengdu Medical Innovation and Entrepreneurship Information Service Center". The leaders of the Chengdu High tech Zone Health Bureau, Chengdu Medical College, and Chengdu High tech Medical Association have unveiled the newly established "Regional Drug Clinical Trial Base (GCP) Alliance", "Regional Medical Ethics Committee", and "Chengdu Medical Innovation and Entrepreneurship Information Service Center". They have also awarded licenses to 35 institutions of the GCP Alliance and issued appointment letters to members of the Regional Medical Ethics Committee.














Finally, Deputy Director Liu Zhaofeng of the Health and Wellness Bureau of the High tech Zone gave a concluding speech at the establishment conference, stating that we need to build and apply these three organizations well.

1. To fully utilize the training function. Truly achieve mutual help, mutual assistance, and mutual guidance.

2. Be a good leader. By utilizing a collaborative innovation mechanism, new models, and paths for the integration of teaching, research, and industry, we aim to break through separation boundaries and "bottlenecks".

3. To implement the model of subject responsibility. Committed to promoting the improvement of medical ethics knowledge and level in the high-tech development zone, promoting the healthy development and growth of drug clinical trials and ethics committees, and promoting the high-quality development of the health industry.


After the establishment conference, the academic conference was presided over by Professor Deng Fengmei, Dean of the Graduate School of Chengdu Medical College. The conference invited Professor Ding Hong from the Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Professor Tang Hongchuan from the First Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu Medical College, and Professor Xu Ying from Chengdu Medical College, respectively, to discuss the topics of "researcher management in the new situation", "ethical review methods for life sciences and medical research involving humans" Conduct academic exchange and training activities on the analysis and clinical value of free nucleic acids in plasma, allowing participating experts to learn new theories and knowledge through this opportunity.





The successful holding of this conference will create a Xintiandi for expanding the platform of scientific and technological innovation, promoting the integration of medical education, research, production and innovation and entrepreneurship transformation, and contribute to promoting the development of regional health undertakings and bio pharmaceutical industry.
