The expert team of the blood purification Committee of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association conducted free clinic activities in Xinjin Zhihui Hospital
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-06-15

On June 10, 2023, in the hot summer, experts from the Blood purification Special Committee of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association went to the hemodialysis Center of Xinjin Zhihui Hospital with an important task to conduct free clinic activities, with the goal of providing patients with vascular access screening and professional consultation.


Xinjin Zhihui Hospital serves more than 100 hemodialysis patients. Since there is no special ward in the department of nephrology, this free clinic activity is undoubtedly a valuable opportunity for patients with chronic hemodialysis problems. The team is the chairman of the blood purification committee, Director Chen Min, and Professor Liu Yun, Professor Wei Mian and other people of the vascular access group went to Xinjin Zhihui Hospital.

Under the guidance of the medical staff of Zhihui Hospital, the experts of the special Committee of blood purification visited the hemodialysis room and conducted the color ultrasound free diagnosis screening for patients in the hospital conference room. They answered dialysis-related questions for patients in plain language, provided dietary guidance for dialysis patients, adjusted dialysis dry weight, and analyzed possible causes of high blood pressure. The free clinic activities were orderly, and the doctors patiently answered the questions. During the screening process, some problems such as valvular stenosis and tumor-like dilation of blood vessels were found, which were highly recognized by the patients.


At the end of the event, Director Chen Min said that they hope to make full use of weekend time to provide more patients with professional medical services to solve the problem of difficult and expensive medical treatment. They look forward to continuing to provide guidance and ward rounds in the local area, establishing specialist alliances, and achieving a voluntary patient, graded diagnosis and two-way referral pattern.

This free clinic activity not only provided professional medical consultation for patients, but also brought humanistic care and warmth, showing the professional quality and humanistic care of the medical team.