Practice elite
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-07-14

On July 13, 2023, the 2023 Chengdu Municipal continuing medical education project "Clinical Application and Latest Progress of breast augmentation Training Course" was sponsored by Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association and undertaken by Chengdu Hi-tech Milan Baiyu Medical Cosmetology Hospital (Project number: C23-01-104020492) was successfully held in Chengdu Hi-tech Milano Baiyu Hospital. Well-known external milk experts from the province gathered together to discuss the new concept and new progress of international breast augmentation surgery through the form of keynote speeches and surgical practice, and constantly improve the professional theory and skill level of breast augmentation surgery to promote the professional development of breast. The meeting was held in a combination of online and offline, with a total of 200 participants.


The opening ceremony of the conference was presided over by Professor Zhang Han, President of the conference. Ai He, Vice President and Deputy Secretary General of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association, Professor Huang Wen, Director of Plastic Surgery Technology of Chengdu Hi-tech Milan Baiyu Medical Aesthetic Hospital, and Director of the Medical Department Wu Yufen attended and addressed the opening ceremony of the conference.




The conference invited Professor Tang Yong of Chengdu Badachu Medical Cosmetology Hospital, Professor Jiang Yulu of Jiaodian Medical Cosmetology Hospital, Professor Xue Rui of Chengdu High-tech Post-beauty Medical Cosmetology Hospital, Professor Zhuang Jianbo, Professor Zhang Han of high-tech Milan Baiyu Medical Cosmetology Hospital to give lectures. The experts had in-depth discussion and sharing on topics such as endoscopic + ultrasonic knife axillary approach breast augmentation, complications management of prosthesis breast augmentation, operation skills of areola incision breast augmentation, application of breast suspension and Johnson & Johnson Medical mentor prosthesis, and case presentation of lower fold breast augmentation. Surgeons from inside and outside the province participated in the surgery, watched the live broadcast, and shared comments on the scene, which was praised by the participants.

The successful holding of this conference, so that each of the participating breast milk doctors understand and master the scientific theory and the latest technology of breast augmentation surgery, constantly improve the quality of breast plastic surgery, for the majority of beauty lovers to provide high-quality plastic beauty services.