A training course on standardized treatment of dry eye was successfully held in Chengdu
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-08-16

In order to fully implement the idea of the "14th Five-Year Plan" National Eye Health Plan (2021-2025), improve the level of people's eye health, and continue to promote the high-quality development of eye health. The continuing medical education project "Standardized dry Eye Diagnosis and Treatment Training Course" co-sponsored by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and Beijing Union Eye Optometry Training Cloud College, undertaken by Sichuan Care Eye Cloud Science Technology Co., LTD., co-organized by Wuhan Qizhi Laser Technology Co., LTD., was successfully held in Chengdu on April 27-28, 2023.

The training course adopts the form of combining theory and practice. The opening ceremony was attended by Li Hui, director of Ophthalmology of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, and Ai He, vice president and deputy Secretary general of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association. Ai He, Vice president and deputy Secretary-General, said: the eye is a very important organ of the human body, the teaching form combining theory and practice in small classes can make students more easily absorb and apply the knowledge, I hope students cherish the opportunity to learn. Director Li Hui said in his speech: Holding the standardized diagnosis and treatment of dry eye is of great significance to improve the relevant practitioners to carry out the diagnosis and treatment of dry eye. Through the combination of theory and practice, it is conducive to the training of talents in the field of dry eye and lays a good foundation for serving dry eye patients in the future.


The training invited experts and scholars in the field of dry eye from inside and outside the province to give lectures, focusing on topics of common concern to the students, including the contents of the course: classification, examination and diagnosis of dry eye, treatment and new progress of dry eye, how to standardize the construction of different levels of dry eye outpatient clinics; The content of the practical exercise: eye surface examination practical exercise and precautions, dry eye examination and analysis practical exercise (mite examination, dry eye analysis examination, etc.), the content is realistic, and fully expands the students' understanding of dry eye disease.


This conference adopts small class teaching, full expert guidance, immersive interactive learning, and students are highly involved in the course. The experts explained the related knowledge of dry eye disease in detail in multiple dimensions, and strengthened the understanding and understanding of the students through on-site questions and discussions. This training has promoted the development of treatment techniques for dry eye and other eye diseases, continuously enriched the knowledge accumulation of doctors and scholars in this area, improved the theoretical and practical skills of ophthalmologists, improved the ability of ophthalmologists to deal with related problems, and made a great contribution to promoting patients to receive safer and higher quality treatment.