The second training course on standardized diagnosis and treatment of dry eye was successfully held
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-08-16

Dry eye clinic needs specialized management, standardized diagnosis and systematic treatment, which inevitably meets difficulties in the process of exploration. In order to further promote the development of optometry and related disciplines, enhance the academic exchanges of optometry scholars in various regions, deepen the understanding of the majority of medical workers on dry eye, and effectively improve the professional technical ability, it plays an important role in promoting the standardization of dry eye outpatient construction.

The second phase of the continuing medical education project "Dry Eye Standardized Diagnosis and Treatment Training Course", sponsored by the First People's Hospital of Zigong City, Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association, Beijing Union Eye optometry Training Cloud College, co-organized by Zigong Ophthalmology Quality Control Center and Zigong Ophthalmology Special Committee, was successfully held in Zigong City, Sichuan Province on June 17, 2023.


The training course is a combination of theory and practice. The opening ceremony was presided over by Li Shuang Le, director of Ophthalmology of Zigong First People's Hospital, and delivered a speech. Director Li introduced to the students: the training course is jointly planned with Beijing Concord Optometry Training Cloud College, after nearly a month of organization and planning to successfully start the class. The training course was also strongly supported by the ophthalmology experts of Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital. Professor Yu Man and Teacher Ye Xiaoli from the ophthalmology department of Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital also made a special trip from Chengdu to the training site to guide the students in person. The organizer of this training is also the only promotion unit authorized by Beijing Concord Optometry Training Cloud College, which is committed to the cultivation of talents in the field of optometry, aiming to standardize and improve the diagnosis and treatment services in the optometry industry by constantly improving the actual operation content in the training of optometry talents.


Zigong First People's Hospital is the first to open dry eye clinic in Zigong area, in medical technology, talent cultivation, environmental facilities and other aspects are relatively mature compared to other hospitals, and this time with the support of experts from provincial hospitals, I believe that through regional linkage, this training will certainly bring students a lot of dry goods, and enable students to effectively use in clinical practice in the future.

Hu Jun, secretary-general of Zigong Medical Association, gave a high degree of affirmation to this training. Secretary General Hu said that through this training course, whether it is theoretical or practical practice, we hope that everyone can effectively apply the learning to practical work, bring better diagnosis and treatment experience and service for patients, and provide more high-quality diagnosis and treatment services for dry eye diagnosis and treatment in Zigong City and surrounding areas.

In his speech, Leng Wei, vice president of Zigong First People's Hospital, first expressed his gratitude to the organizers, co-organizers and organizers of this training. He said that the opportunity of this training course is very precious, with the progress of society and the popularity of electronic products, dry eye has become a rapidly growing eye disease, but also more and more people's attention. Through this training, we can better allow practitioners in the optometry industry to do a good job in diagnosis and treatment services for patients, and realize the standardization and standardization of operations.

The training course also invited Song Dongdao, director of ophthalmology of Ziyang City People's Hospital, and Tang Lei, director of ophthalmology of Yibin Third People's Hospital, to serve as the guest and host of the training.

This training course will first be taught by Professor Yu Man, Ophthalmology Department of Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, who will bring the cutting-edge knowledge of dry eye, so that everyone has a more comprehensive understanding of the diagnosis and treatment of dry eye.

Subsequently, Li Shuang Le, director of the ophthalmology department of Zigong First People's Hospital, explained how to pay attention to preoperative ocular surface examination and explained in detail the content of reducing postoperative complications.


Teacher Chen Juan from Zigong First People's Hospital explained the knowledge of cataract surgery and dry eye.

By sharing her own experience, Ms. Ye Xiaoli, a teacher from the Ophthalmology department of Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, analyzed and explained the highly flexible communication skills and operation skills in a simple way, which is of great guiding significance for medical personnel working in the front line.

In the afternoon practice session, Ye Xiaoli from Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital and Liu Xiao, Lai Li, Liu Qinying from Zigong First People's Hospital and related teachers in charge of clinical practice led the teaching, hands-on guidance and live simulation. The students actively participated and the atmosphere was warm.

At the end of the one-day training, the students not only gained a lot of knowledge, but also gained a certificate of completion of the training. The students said that after returning to work, they will continue to digest what they have learned and provide patients with more standardized, professional and high-quality medical diagnosis and treatment services.