Critical care, "heavy" in action - critical patient care safety management training will be successfully held
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-08-17

In order to strengthen the understanding of the development of critical care discipline, improve the ability of nurses to identify and treat critically ill patients, and ensure the quality and safety of treatment and nursing services for critically ill patients. The municipal medical continuing education project "Critical Patient Care Safety Management Training Meeting (C23-01-114050422)" sponsored by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and undertaken by Chengdu BOE Hospital was successfully held in the academic lecture hall of Chengdu BOE Hospital on July 14.

The opening ceremony of the meeting was presided over by Huang Yulin, Director of the Nursing Education Section of Chengdu BOE Hospital, and Lin Zhen, Director of the Quality Control Section of the Nursing Department of Chengdu BOE Hospital. Ai He, Vice president and deputy Secretary General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, and Teng Donghai, vice president of Chengdu BOE Hospital, delivered speeches.


Vice President Teng Donghai expressed a warm welcome to the arrival of experts, he pointed out that with the development of The Times, critical care medicine has become the intersection of cutting-edge science and technology and medical theory and practice, but how to improve the corresponding nursing effectiveness and quality, reduce the incidence of unsafe incidents, is still a common problem.

Deputy Secretary-General Ai expressed his sincere thanks to the leaders and experts attending the training course, and pointed out that there is an important point in the training course, which is beneficial to the medical staff in the region about nursing safety in critical cases, hoping that the students can learn new knowledge and master it.


In recent years, with the rapid development of nursing science, the treatment effect and quality of life of patients have been greatly improved. This conference invited famous critical care safety experts to give a keynote speech around new technologies and new concepts, which is rich in content and closely follows the facts based on the status quo. For example, nursing innovative thinking helps improve nursing work ability, nursing innovation and invention based on patient safety, drug safety of vasoactive drugs, prevention and control of CLABSI: the links and details management of nurses are very worthy of learning by the majority of relevant medical professionals.

Through this training, it is hoped that every participant engaged in nursing can learn to absorb the new knowledge shared by authoritative experts in the industry, combined with the characteristics and actual situation of medical institutions, continue to deepen the knowledge content, flexibly apply to practical work, and improve the cognition of medical staff in the safety of critical care.