The Chengdu High tech Zone Million Employee Skills Competition - Traditional Chinese Medicine Skills Competition Successfully Held
Author:管理员  Addtime:2023-10-12


  In order to further enhance the service capacity of grassroots traditional Chinese medicine and promote traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine technology projects, the "Million Employee Skills Competition - Chengde Meizi Grassroots Traditional Chinese Medicine Skills Competition" was successfully held on October 12, 2023 at the Medical Simulation Center of Chengdu First People's Hospital, sponsored by the Chengdu High tech Medical Association and organized by the Simulation Special Committee of the Chengdu High tech Medical Association, commissioned by the Chengdu High tech Zone Health Bureau.

  This competition aims to implement the "14th Five Year Plan for the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine" and the "Implementation Plan for the Major Project of Traditional Chinese Medicine Revitalization and Development", highlight the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in disease treatment, and leverage its unique role in maintaining and promoting people's health. The competition includes many aspects such as identification of traditional Chinese medicine, adjustment of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion and massage.


The contestants come from 11 community health service centers in Chengdu High tech Zone. In the basic theory exam, they successfully completed the closed book exam with a solid theoretical foundation and excellent professional skills. In the skill operation process, the contestants relied on their proficient operational skills and rich clinical experience to accurately complete various operations. In addition, the operation of traditional Chinese medicine skills is also an important part of this competition, requiring physical identification of 20 traditional Chinese medicine slices and dispensing a prescription containing 9 traditional Chinese medicine slices. The contestants accurately completed the operation with solid knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine and keen observation ability.



This competition received the attention and recognition of industry experts and scholars, who served as judges and selected the top 4 traditional Chinese medicine categories (respectively from the cooperative community Yu Qing, Jincheng community Li Zhengshuang, Fangcao community Lv Fengcheng, and Xiyuan community Mou Yongxiang), and the top 3 traditional Chinese medicine categories (respectively from Danwu in Shiyang community, Yuande in Fangcao community, and Zhu Hui in Guixi community), They will represent the Chengdu High tech Zone in the 2023 Chengde Meizi Grassroots Traditional Chinese Medicine Skills Competition organized by the Chengdu Municipal Health Commission and Chengdu Traditional Chinese Medicine Management Bureau.



Through this competition, the contestants not only demonstrated their strength and level, but also contributed to the development of traditional Chinese medicine. At the same time, the competition has also promoted the improvement of grassroots traditional Chinese medicine service capabilities and the application level of traditional Chinese medicine in clinical treatment. Grassroots medical institutions in the high-tech zone will continue to be committed to the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese medicine, making greater contributions to the prosperity of traditional Chinese medicine and the construction of a healthy Chengdu.